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关键字: 主题 政协 世博会 记者会 民意 蚂蚁庄园 成语 故事 | 时间:2023-11-12 16:42 | 人浏览

【答案】Could I help you with your heavy box? You are so tired — _____________ I can manage it. 选择一项:

Could I help you with your heavy box? You are so tired — _____________ I can manage it. 选择一项: A . No. thanks. B. Yes, please.


上一篇:Liu Hui and Zhang Hua are familiar with each other

下一篇:9/20单选题 阿片类毒品是从罂粟中提取的生物碱及体内外的衍生物。它们能与中枢特异性受体相互作用,缓解疼痛,产生欣快感。下列毒品中不属于阿片类毒品的是:
