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关键字: 主题 政协 世博会 记者会 民意 蚂蚁庄园 成语 故事 | 时间:2023-11-12 18:10 | 人浏览


Reading and Writing Part
I、Look at the pictures and write the words. 看图写单词。 ( 10分)

————— ————— ————— ————— ————-II、Choose. 选出不同类的单词。(5分)( )1、A. arrive B. leave C. for ( ) 2、A. go B. about C. come ( ) 3、A. faster B. slower C. fast ( ) 4、A. hundred B.kilometres C. thousand ( ) 5、A. north B. south C. mayIII、Choose the correct answers. 选择正确的答案。 (15分)( )1.I want _______ to Shanghai. A.to go B.go C.goes( )2.Jenny arrives _____ 7:00_____ the evening. A.in,on B.at,at C.at,in( )3.Let’s ______ a taxi. A.on B.by C.take( )4.It’s about three hundred kilometres____Tangshan____Shijiazhuang.
A. far,from B. from,to C. from,far
( )5.You’re _____ young _____ go there.A.to ,too B.too,to C. to,to



