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关键字: 理性情绪 情绪疗法 三个阶段 标杆管理 少数民族 省份 人类社会 进化过程 | 时间:2024-09-11 12:30

发布时间:2024-09-11 12:30

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一、suggest 提建议 luck 运气 tube地铁 return往返的 accept接受
airport机场 invitation邀请 tired疲惫的 fare车费 waiter服务员
二、1) A 2) C 3) B 4) B 5) C 6) B 7) A 8) B 9) C 10) A 11)C
三、1) A 2) B 3) C 4) A 5) B 6)B
四、1) too noisy 2) too far from the tube 3) too expensive 4) not comfortable enough 5) not big enough
一、1) ui 2) l 3) ow 4) e a 5) ea 6) er 7) ci 8) f 9) ch 10) gh
二、1) B 2) C 3) A 4) B 5) A 6) B 7) C 8) A 9) A 10) C
三、1) B 2) A 3) C 4) A 5) C
四、1) crazy 2) chaotic 3) crowded 4) beautiful 5)cheap 6)expensive
7)safe 8)well-organised 9)clean 10)old-fashioned
一、1) A 2) C 3) A 4) C 5) A 6) C 7) A 8) B 9) C 10) C
二、1) B 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) A 6) A 7) B 8) C 9) A 10) B
三、1) B 2) A 3) B 4) A 5) A 6) B
四、1) B 2) B 3) A 4) C
一、1) aw 2) ge 3) ea 4) o 5) ai 6) ck 7) ar 8) ne 9) bb 10) co
二、1) B 2) C 3) A 4) B 5) A 6) B 7) C 8) A 9) A 10) C
三、1) B 2) C 3) A 4) A 5) A
四、1) B 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) B
一、1) er 2) e i 3) ear 4) ow 5) an 6) or 7) ue 8) ei 9) io 10) u
二、1) C 2) C 3) B 4) B 5) A 6) C 7) B 8) A 9) C 10) A
三、1) B 2) A 3) A 4) B 5) A 6) B
四、1) B 2) C 3) A 4) A 5)B
A: I like documentaries on TV.B: 2 .
A: I have a light breakfast early in the morning.B: 2 .
A: I haven’t got a car.B: 1 .
A: I don’t get up late on Sundays.B: 3 .
A: I am from England.B: 1 .
A: He has got two sisters.B: 1 .
A: The chair is not comfortable enough.B: Yes. I agree. It is 2 .
A: The area is too noisy.B: Yes, I agree. It’s 3 .
A: The shops in this area are 3 .B: Yes, I agree. They are not modern enough.
A: The classroom is not big enough for 50 students.B: Yes , I agree. It’s 1 .
A: So, do you like the cinema near Hyde Park?B: Yes, I 1 it.
A: He has got two sisters.B: 1 .
A: I am from England.B: 1 .
A: I don’t get up late on Sundays.B: 3 .
A: I have a light breakfast early in the morning.B: 2 .
A: I haven’t got a car.B: 1 .
A: I like documentaries on TV.B: 2 .
A: So, do you like the cinema near Hyde Park?B: Yes, I 1 it.
A: The area is too noisy.B: Yes, I agree. It’s 3 .
A: The chair is not comfortable enough.B: Yes. I agree. It is 2 .
A: The classroom is not big enough for 50 students.B: Yes , I agree. It’s 1 .
A: The shops in this area are 3 .B: Yes, I agree. They are not modern enough.

But I 2 weight if I don’t exercise.
Do you have 2 friends in Shanghai?
Have you got 2 Iychees?
He hasn’t got 1 cousins.
It often 3 in winter in the north of China.
It 3 heavily here at this moment.
I’d like 1 apples, please.
I don’t need 3 mineral water, but I’d like tea, thanks.
I am getting too fat, I have to 1 my weight.
I just 1 at the office for most of the day, and I do no exercise.
I don’t want 1 milk in my coffee.
I come here twice a week to swim and 2 .
On my way home, I quite often 3 the milk man.
Quite often after dinner, they 3 music in a pub and home about midnight.
Rose is in the garden. She 1 her afternoon tea with her boyfriend.
The news is not new at all. It is 2 .
The French restaurants are nice, but they are 3 !
The workers usually 2 work at 8:30.
You can paint the walls and 1 posters. You can do what you want.
A: Hello!B: Hello, Mr. Green.(12323)
After years of learning at school, (12213)
Frank and Sue are at home talking about what to do today. (12123)
George works with a magazine. (31221)
Hi Joe,How are you? I’m sitting on the balcony of my hotel.(23132)
It is five o’clock on Saturday afternoon and Mary is in the kitchen. (13131)
It is Sunday morning. John’s just sitting around and doing nothing. (31122)
Maya, her husband and five children live in a poor flat(12313)
Mrs. Jones is a manager of a small business company. (22322)
Now many 1 feel they have to learn new things. (21122)
Nowadays, it is very expensive to have a nice house all to yourself.(21231)
Polly: You take the number 38 bus from the shops.
Quite a few Americans own motor homes(车房). (11311)
Thomas is an energetic(精力旺盛的) man. (22113)
Tom: Can I park in the staff car park?(21312)
We hear a lot about whales(鲸). (31321)
Xiaoyan: I don’t know how to open the door.(23321)
Xiaoyan: I’d like to do some-exercise today. (32231)
Xiaoyan: Okay, Polly, what TV programmes do you like?(12331)
1.你的男朋友健谈吗?Is your boyfriend talkative?/ Is your boyfriend a talkative person?
2.你喜欢读英文报纸吗? Do you like/love reading English newspapers?
3.十二点钟以前我可以去吃午饭吗? Can I go to have lunch before 12 o’clock?
4.她不喜欢向别人借东西.She doesn’t like/hates borrowing things from others.
5.她很苗条. She is slim.
6.她很漂亮. She is beautiful.
7.她中等个. She is average height.
8.他的儿子聪明吗? Is his son intellingent/clever/smart?
9.他个子高吗? Is he tall?
10.他留长头发吗? Does he have long hair?/ Has he got long hair?
11.他们喜欢看英语电影吗? Do they like/love seeing/watching English films.
12.我不喜欢逛街买东西. I hate going shopping./I don’t like going shopping.
13.我的表兄人很外向. My cousin is quite/very outgoing.
14.我的儿子不太自信. My son is not very confident.
15.我的父母不喜欢旅游. My parents don’t like / enjoy travelling.
16.我的女儿有点腼腆.My daughter is a bit / a little shy.
17.我的数学老师很风趣. My maths teacher is very funny/ interesting.
18.我可以用厨房里的炊具吗? Can I use the cookers in the kitchen?
19.我可以用客厅的电话吗? Can I use the phone in the sitting room?
20.我可以用你卧室里的卫生间吗? Can I use the toilet / bathroom in your bedroom?
21.我可以在办公楼前停车吗?Can I park in front of the office/office building?
22.我可以在花园里吸烟吗? Can I smoke in the garden?
23.我喜欢在小咖啡店时读报。I like/love reading newspapers in cafés.
24.要我把那计算机放在桌子上吗? Shall I put the computer on the desk?
25.要我打开灯吗? Shall I turn on the lights?
26.要我跟他谈谈吗? Shall I talk to him?
27.要我在电影院外面等你吗? Shall I wait for you outside the cinema?
28.要我准备一些中国菜吗? Shall I prepare some Chinese food?
1.Can I use the cooker in the kitchen?我能用厨房的炊具吗?
2.He has got very short hair with blue eyes.他一头短发,蓝色的眼睛.
3.He has short hair with a beard.他一头短发,留着胡须.
4.He is not very tall and wears glasses.他个子不太高,戴着眼镜.
5.How long does it take to get from the airport to the city centre?从机场到市中心需要多长时间?
6.How long does it take to get to your house by bus?坐公共汽车到你家要多长时间?
7.How long does it take to go to the airport by taxi?打车去机场要多少时间?
8.I think that the parks are lovely.我觉得这些公园都很美.
9.It takes about 20 minutes to get from the hotel to the station by taxi.从旅馆到车站坐出租车大约需要20分钟.
10.It takes about half an hour to get to my house by tube.到我家坐地铁大约要半小时.
11.She has got long, fair, wavy hair.她有一头金色的长卷发.
12.She is average height and slim.她中等个,身材苗条.
13.The bedroom is too small.卧室太小了.
14.The bus stop is outside the greengrocer’s.蔬菜水果店外边就是车站.
15.The chemist is between the newsagent and the bank.药店在报刊亭和银行中间.
16.The flat is too far from the tube.这套公寓离地铁太远.
17.The furniture is too old-fashioned.家具太老式了.
18.The living room is not comfortable enough.客厅不够舒服.
19.The newsagent is on the corner.报刊亭在拐角处.
20.The table is not big enough for two people.餐桌不够大.
21.There is a chemist next to the post office.在邮局旁边有一家药店.
22.There is a supermarket opposite the café.在咖啡厅对面有一家超市.
23.What do you think of living in London?你觉得在伦敦生活怎么样?
24.You can smoke in the garden.你可以在花园里吸烟.
25.You can use the phone in the living room.你可以用客厅里的电话.



