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关键字: 理性情绪 情绪疗法 三个阶段 标杆管理 少数民族 省份 人类社会 进化过程 | 时间:2024-09-12 00:15

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【答案】电大《开放英语1》 教学大纲

本课程是专门为具有初级英语基础的成人自学英语而设计的, 以600词为起点, 通过三个模块的学习, 使你的英语达到中级水平, 认识词汇4,000左右. 本课程使你在学习语音. 语法. 词汇. 语言功能等语言基础知识及掌握听. 说. 读. 写语言技能的同时, 了解英语国家的文化习俗, 提高用英语进行交际的能力.


<<开放英语1>>(This Is English 1) 和<<开放英语1综合练习>>(This Is English 1Workbook) 构成, 提供约72小时的学习内容.


Unit 1


★ Learn to give basic information about a person;

★ Study the verb to be and the use of “a” and “an”;

★ Study the use of possessive pronouns and –’s;

★ Study singular and plural nouns;

★ Learn how to give information about travel arrangements.


language focus: 1.the use of simple present tense;

2.singular and plural nouns;

3.the use of possessive pronouns;




Culture Note 问年龄

Unit 2


★ learn to use the simple present to describe a typical day;

★ Learn to check in a hotel;

★ Learn to make offers and requests;

★ learn the verb to have

★ learn to use adverbs of frequency and some prepositions.

掌握: Language focus: 1.practise forming questions;

2.give information using the time and days of the week;

了解 Culture Note 问候与称呼


Unit 3


★ learn how to make offers;

★ learn to describe buildings and offices;

★ study language for making introductions;

★ “There be(is/are)…”

★ study the use of “the” and the ordinal numbers.


Language focus:1. learn to use demonstrative pronouns;

2 learn how to introduce someone;

3. revise possessive pronouns.

了解:1 文化知识-----英国和美国表达楼层的区别。

2 Bar culture

Unit 4


★ learn describe people ,families and work roles;

★ learn to describe activities using the present continuous tense ;


1. Learn the language for family relationships;

2. Learn the differences of the simple present tense and the present continuous tense.

3. The rules of the present participle and verbs added to-(e)s of the third person of the simple present tense;


1 Family tree in Britain

2 Office break

Unit 5


★ learn how to make suggestions;

★ learn to enquire about ,discuss and describe accommodation;


language focus: 1.learn how to seek clarification and describe a flat;

2.learn how to ask and state the price of things

3.practise numbers and possessive and object pronouns;

4.learn the vocabulary for furniture and furnishings.

了解:Buildings in Britain

Unit 6


★ review the simple present tense and the present continuous tense;

★ singular and plural nouns

★ learn the differences of the simple present tense and the present continuous tense ;

★ numbers and the expression of time.

★ “There be…”


1. the personal and possessive pronouns

2. revise the language that has been studied in Units 1-5.


1.family tree in Britain;

2 Building in Britain;

Unit 7


★ learn how to make an appointment;

★ learn the language to use on the telephone ;

★ study the language for criticizing;.


1. practise prepositions of place and time;

2. practise “too”and “enough”;

3. practise the language for describing accommodation;

4. revise the language for making offers/suggestions;


1. Learn to use “I’m sorry. I’m afraid.” to refuse somebody tactfully;

2 Typical telephone language in English.

Unit 8


★ learn to express a command;

★ learn how to ask for and give permission;

★ learn the language to describe a city;

★ learn how to talk about the weather;


1. practise saying the date and the year;

2. practise the continuous present and the simple present;


1 “e-mail” in English

2 “I’m sorry.” In English

Unit 9


★ learn how to describe a local aera of town;

★ learn the study of multi-word verbs;

★ learn how to ask for and give basic directions;

★ learn how to describe people’physical appearance and character.


1. learn prepositions of location and vocabulary for shops;

2. learn how to ask where a place is


1. Polite expressions

2. people’s physical appearance and character.

Unit 10


★ learn how to make requests in the contest of food;

★ learn how to talk about different quantities;

★ learn how to use the verb to need;


1. study food vocabulary;

2. practise making offers;

3. learn about countable and uncountable nouns;

4. learn the use of some and any;

了解: Asking friends for dinner in Britain

Unit 11


★ learn how to give opinions and instructions;

★ revise how to talk about interests and hobbies;

★ revise the use of the simple present;.


1. learn the use of “some,any,so,neither”

2. practise the use of the imperative;

3. practise expressing agreement and disagreement;

4. practise reading skills ;


Capital letters and punctuation;

Unit 12


★ review the use of the simple present tense and the present continuous tense;

★ the imperative sentences

★ countable and uncountable nouns;


1. practise the use of time expressions;

2. revise the language that has been learned in the Units7-11


1. polite expressions in English;

2. capital letters and punctuations;

3. Asking friends .for dinner in Britain.

Unit 13


★ learn some vocabulary for describing feelings and experiences;

★ use the present simple to talk about timetables and programmes;

★ use the past tense of the verb to be;


1. learn vocabulary to do with exercising;

2. practise completing application forms;

3. practise wh-questions;

4. practise the use of the past tense;


1 Letters in English;

2 Health Centre in Britain.

Unit 14


★ learn to make comparisons;

★ learn to use the present continuous tense to talk about future arrangements;

★ learn how to describe people’s characteristics and abilities;


1. practise the formation and use of the comparative form of adjectives;

2. revise vocabulary related to jobs and employment;

3. learn vocabulary related to ICT and recruitment.

了解:CV in English (个人简历)

Unit 15


★ learn how to use of the simple future tense;

★ learn how to use “have to”to talk about duties and obligations ;

★ learn how to use verbs with two objects;


1. review countable and uncountable nouns;

2. revise language related to telephoning;

3. learn how to describe the frequency of actions;

了解:1. Wages and salary

2. Wedding reception

Unit 16


l 1. practise language relating to illnesses;

l 2.learn to the language for giving advice and instructions;


1. learn the parts of the body;

2. learn vocabulary relating to illnesses and doctors;

3. practise using definite and indefinite articles.

了解 :Seeing a doctor in Britain

Unit 17


1. learn “be going to” for future intentions;

2. learn to use the simple future for spontaneous decisions

3. learn constrasting uses of future tenses;


1. practise using to make and to do.

2. practise using suggestions

3. revise time prepositions;

4. learn vocabulary relating to marriage and relationships.

5. practise using reflexive pronouns.

了解 :Ceremony of social intercourse

Unit 18


1. review the use of simple future tense

2. practise the formation and use of comparative form of adjectives;

3. practise using the definite and indefinite articles;

4. practise using the reflexive pronouns.

5. practise the use of the simple past tense


revise the languages that has been learned in Units !3-17


1. ceremony of social intercourse

2. seeing a doctor in Britain

3. CV in English



