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新思维综合英语: 学习交流网

Unit Nine: Learning objectives

How to make a complaint 抱怨

How to offer to do something 主动提出做某事

How to give advice 提出建议

The passive with modal auxiliaries in present or future time 在时或将来时中带情态动词的被动态

The causative get in active and passive sentences 动词get在主动句和被动句中的用法

How to write a complaint 投诉信的写作技巧

1. 通过小标题掌握段落大意


2. 猜测词义


(1) 非限制性定语从句有的时候会用来提供对生词或词组的解释或补充说明,比如41课中这样一句:The “hungry headache”, caused by a drop in the blood-sugar supply, can be a real problem for people not eating enough at mealtimes. 这里caused by a drop in the blood-sugar supply就是the hungry headache的非限制性定语,并说明了什么是hungry headache。

(2) 一个单词或词组后面的括号里的部分通常是对这个词或词组的解释,比如41课中有一句:At the first sign of … advises Dr. Augustus S. Rose of the UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) School of Medicine. 这一句中括号部分对UCLA进行了解释,还有一句:In a migraine headache, the blood vessels of the head first contract (get smaller), then dilate (open up) and press against the nerves. 括号中的部分对两个关键的动词进行了解释。


Lesson 41 Headache Away

Main Idea and Structure


Focus Questions

1. What is the hungry headache?

2. Which kind of headache can be “washed away”?

3. Who shouldn’t get rid of the headache by freezing it out?

4. What is hyperventilation?

Language Points in the Reading Text



People in the United States spend over $2 billion a year on nonprescription pain relievers. 在美国,人们每年花在非处方止痛药上的开支共计20多亿美元。

to spend time or money on (doing) something,“花费时间或金钱做某事”,如:The engineering team spent a year on the project. 工程队花了一年时间做这个项目。

常用来表示花费时间或金钱做某事的另一个结构是:It takes somebody some time to do something。上面那个例子用这个结构表达,就是:It took the engineering team a year to carry out the project.

第3句:Although effective, these pain relievers are not without problems. 虽然这些止痛药很有效,服用它们也有一些问题。

1. Although effective, … = Although these pain relievers are effective, … 当从句中的主语和主句主语一致的时候,有两种简化方式:(1)当从句用的是系动词,从句的主语和系动词可以省略,只留下连词和表语,如课文这句话;(2)当从句用的是实意动词,简化的时候省略主语,把实意动词变为其动名词形式,如:Although he knew how to dance, he sat still and invited nobody. =Although knowing how to dance, he sat still and invited nobody. 虽然会跳舞,但他还是静坐着,没发出任何邀请。

2. not without,是一个双重否定,如:not without problems,“不是没有问题”;not without difficulty,“不是没有困难”。

第6句:Choosing a pain reliever can be enough to make anyone’s headache worse! (从各种选择中)选出一种止痛药,足以让本来就头痛的人更加头痛。

1. 动名词可以用来做句子主语,强调的不是动作,而是一种状态或现象。如:Driving after drinking is dangerous. 酒后驾车很危险。

2. to make sth. + 形容词,“让某事物变成怎样”,to make sth. + 形容词比较级,“让某事物变得更加怎样”。

3. worse是bad的比较级,bad (坏) – worse (更坏) – worst (最坏);good (好)– better (更好) – best (最好)

引言在介绍非处方药的时候用到“首先,其次”这样的表达方式,同学们可以把这样的技巧用在写作中,让叙述脉络清晰、条理分明。First of all … Second … Third … Finally …


第一种方法:Eat something soon.,“食疗法”。

第二句:The “hungry headache”, caused by a drop in the blood-sugar supply, can be a real problem for people not eating enough at mealtimes. 对那些一日三餐吃不饱的人来说,血糖供应的降低所导致的“饥饿型头痛”很可能会造成严重的影响。

1. at mealtimes中的mealtime意为“进餐时间”,在此是“一日三餐”。

2. caused by a drop in the blood-sugar supply是修饰the “hungry headache”的非限制性定语,相当于which is caused by a drop in the blood-sugar supply,关系代词which指代the “hungry headache”。当非限制性定语从句是个被动句的时候,可以省略关系代词和被动句的助动词be,直接以动词的过去分词开头。举例说明:The policy, set last year, is strongly supported by many workers. = The policy, which was set last year, is strongly supported by many workers.

第四句:Why protein? Because it rebuilds your blood-sugar supply little by little. 为什么要吃富含蛋白质的食物?因为它可以逐渐地提高你的血糖供应量。

1. Why protein? = Why should we eat something high in protein?

2. by,英文解释是:in successive units, groups or degrees of,学习几个与by有关的固定词组。little by little,“渐渐地”;day by day,“一天天地”;bit by bit,“一点点地”。


第二种方法:Wash it away,“淋浴法”。

(Wash it away冲洗走,比喻)

第一句:At the first sign of headache pain, get in the shower, advises Dr. Augustus S. Rose of the UCLA School of Medicine. 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校医学院的Augustus S. Rose博士建议,一旦出现头痛的迹象,赶紧冲个淋浴。

1. at the first sign of,“一旦”。

2. 最后半句用的倒装结构,用来引出说话人,这样的倒装句常以say, advise, sing, ask等动词开头。文章中还有一句:Find a hairbrush with fairly stiff natural bristles, says biophysicist Harry C. Ehrmantraut. 生理学家建议使用一把梳齿软硬适中的直齿梳。

第二句:First take a hot shower even if the pain gets worse. 即使头疼会加剧,也要先冲个热水澡。

1. to take a shower,“淋浴”,区别于:to take a bath,“洗澡”。

2. even if (= even though)“即使,尽管(哪怕……也要这样做)”,用作连词,如:Even if I have to walk all the way, I’ll get there. 即使我得一路走着去,我也要走到那里。

第七句:This process works well for migraine headaches. 这样做能大大减缓各种偏头痛症状。

1. to work for sth.“对解决某个问题管用”,也常用介词on,to work on sth.来表达这个意思。如:The medicine doesn’t seem to work on me. 我服用这个药好象不管用。

2. migraine headaches或migraine,意为“偏头痛”。


第三种方法:Freeze it out,“冰敷法”。

第一句:If you are miles away from the shower, Dr. Rose suggests putting crushed ice in your mouth. 如果你无法淋浴,Rose医生建议你在嘴里放几块碎冰。

1. miles away from,“离……数英里远”,这里是指“不能做某事”或“无条件做某事”。如:Keep away from the insane woman. 离这个疯女人远一点。

2. to suggest doing sth.,“建议做某事”,suggest后面加从句或动名词,上面这句话可以变为:Dr. Rose suggests you (should) put crushed ice in your mouth.


第四种方法:Think it away,“冥想法”。

第二句:An ocean breeze colds your face and your hands and arms grow warmer and warmer in the hot sun. 凉爽的海风轻拂你的脸庞,在暖阳下,你的双手与臂膀越来越暖。

1. cold在这里不是形容词“冷的”,而是作动词“冷却”。

2. to grow warmer and warmer,“变得越来越暖”。grow在此是一个半系动词,后面接形容词。warmer and warmer,“越来越暖”,两个同样的形容词用and相连,表示“越来越怎样”,如果形容词过长,用more and more加形容词原形,如:more and more friendly。

3. in the hot sun,“在暖阳下”。

第五种方法:Massage it out,“按摩法”。

第一句:Get to your head through your feet. 从脚到头进行按摩。

1. to get to,“到达”,往往用来指到达某个目的地,如:When the group got to the airport, the plane had taken off. 当团队到飞机场的时候,飞机起飞了。

第六种方法:Breathe it away,“呼吸法”。

第一句:According to Dr. Selwyn Dexter, breathing into an ordinary paper bag can get rid of migraine headaches caused by hyperventilation. Selwyn Dexter博士说,对着一个普通的纸袋子呼吸能消除因剧烈呼吸而产生的偏头痛。

1. according to,“根据……”,如:According to the research, many college students have psychological problems. 根据这项研究,许多大学生有心理问题。

2. to get rid of,“消除,戒除,克服”,如:It’s necessary for a TV host to get rid of nervousness. 电视主持人必须克服紧张情绪。

第四句:This process may take as long as 15 minutes, Dr. Dexter says, but it has worked for several of his patients.

1. Dr. Dexter says是一个插入语。

2. 这里as long as不是“只要”,而是“长达”,take常用作表示“花费(时间)”。

3. several of,“(整体)中的几个”,类似的表达还有:many of,“(整体)中的许多”;some of,“(整体)中的一些”;none of,“(整体)中一个也没有”。


第七种方法:Press it away,“按压法”。

第二句:The massage should be given on sensitive “trigger” points. 应该按压一些敏感“穴位”。

1. trigger,“扳机,开关”,这里是指减缓头痛的穴位。

第四句:Press each point for 15 to 30 seconds at a time. 每次按压每个穴位15到30秒。

1. at a time,“每次”。

第八种方法:Brush it away,“梳理法”。

第二句:Then use the following procedure, first on one side of your head and then on the other. 然后按照以下步骤先梳一边,再梳另一边。

1. 学习一个与one…the other有关的表达,on one hand … on the other hand,“一方面……另一方面……”,用来引导相互矛盾的观点或意见。如:On one hand, Jack is earnest to study abroad; on the other hand, he is unwilling to part from his family.

Unit Eleven: Learning Objectives

Describe an embarrassing experience描述令人尴尬的经历

Suggest an alternative提供选择

Express uncertainty表示不确定

Tell a joke/story讲笑话/故事

Reading Skills


我们在第九单元说过,小标题能处理好整篇文章的主题与每个小议题的关系,能让文章结构清晰、条理分明、主题明确。第九单元采用了动词词组做小标题的方式来介绍每种缓解头痛的方法,比如wash it away,“淋浴法”,freeze it out,“冰敷法”等。

本课采用提问的方式来引出每部分的内容,比如What is love, chemically speaking?实际上,回答了这一系列问题,也就等于找到了每个小部分的段落中心内容。将这些问题的答案汇总起来也就理解了Dr. Liebowitz’s ‘neurochemical theory of romance’。

Lesson 51 What is This thing Called Love?

Main Idea and Structure


Focus Questions

1. What is Dr. Liebowitz’s ‘neurochemical theory of romance’?

2. What is the basis for romantic attachment?

3. Why do people become tired of each other?

4. How’s one’s work then he or she is in love?

Language Points in the Reading

第一部分:引言。“What is love?”开篇指出本文谈论的话题,接着给出本文采访对象——Liebowitz博士——的观点:He believes that falling in love is influenced by our brain chemistry. 他相信我们脑中的化学物质影响了爱情的产生。to fall in love,“产生爱意”。这是一个被动句,be influenced by sth.。被动句的结构是:主语(动作承受者)+ 助动词be + 动词的过去分词 (+ by + 动作发出者),如:The leader was supported by his people. 人们拥护他们的领袖。

(What is Dr. Liebowitz’s ‘neurochemical theory of romance’? He believes that falling in love is influenced by our brain chemistry. This is his neurochemical theory of romance.)


问题一:Don’t you find it upsetting to reduce an emotion like love to a chemical equation? 你不认为将爱情这种情感降低为一种化学方程式有些扫兴吗?

1. to find sth. + adj.,“觉得某事怎样”。it指代的是后面to do sth.,因为这个不定式太长,所以放在形容词后,这样形成一个习惯性用法:to find it + adj. + to do sth.。如:

She found it difficult to meet the deadline. 她觉得要在规定日期前完成任务很困难。

The captain found it necessary to send an SOS signal. 船长察觉到必须发出求救信号。

2. to reduce … to …,“把……降低(贬斥)为……”。如:The emperor reduced the officer to a beggar. 皇帝把这个官员贬为乞丐。

3. chemical equation,“化学方程式”。

I’m a big believer in romance. 我很相信浪漫。a big believer,用名词词组来表示“相信”动作,加重了“相信”的语气。to believe in sth.,“相信,信仰”。

The emotions we feel when we’re in love are so powerful that when they’re going on, nobody’s going to stop to think about chemicals in the brain. 坠入爱河的情感是那么强烈,当时是绝对没有人会停下来考虑大脑里的化学成分的。

1. to be in love,“恋爱中”。to fall in love,“相爱”。

2. so … that …,“如此……以至于……”。so后面跟形容词或副词,that后面跟一个句子,说明由so+形容词(副词)带来的结果。如:The man was so brave that few dared to challenge him. 这个男人真勇敢啊,几乎无人敢向他挑战。

3. to stop to do sth.,“停下来去做某事”,区别于to stop doing sth.,“停止做某事”。如:He stopped writing and began to think about his future. 他停止了写信,开始想他的将来。He stopped to think about his future. 他停下来,转而去想他的将来。

But that has nothing to do with my enjoyment of a good meal. 但那并不影响我尽情地享受任何一顿美餐。to has nothing to do with sth.,“与……无关”(注意区别:to have something to do with sth 与……有关)。enjoyment of sth.,“享用……”。

问题二:What is love, chemically speaking? 从化学角度来谈,爱是什么?

I try to distinguish between romantic attraction and romantic attachment because I think they’re chemically distinct. 我尽量将浪漫的相互吸引和浪漫的相互爱恋区分开来,因为我认为,二者之间从化学角度来说是不同的。

1. chemically speaking,“从化学角度来谈”,类似的表达:generally speaking,“通常来说”;honestly speaking,“说实话”,等。

2. to distinguish between A and B,“区别A和B”。学习另外一个同义词组,to distinguish A from B。

问题三:What, then, is the basis for romantic attachment? What keeps us together? 浪漫式相互吸引的基础是什么?是什么让两个人形影不离?

I believe that we’re programmed at birth to produce endorphins when we’re in close relationships. 我认为,我们的肌体在出生的时候就有这种功能,即当发生任何亲密关系就会产生内啡肽。

1. at birth,“出生时”。如:At birth, the baby weighed 4 kilos. 出生时这个婴儿重四公斤。

2. to be in close relationship,“保持亲密的关系”。如:Some people, usually rather lonely and unhappy ones, find it very difficult to be in close relationship with others. 有些孤独和抑郁的人觉得很难与别人保持亲密的关系。

3. to keep sb./sth. + adj.,“使某人/某事物保持怎样的状态”,如:to keep the meat fresh,“保持肉的新鲜度”, to keep the water cool, “保持水的清凉度”。

(What is the basis for romantic attachment? Chemically speaking, the basis for romantic attachment is something called endorphin produced in the locus ceruleus, where feelings of panic and separation anxiety seem to begin.)

问题四:Why do people grow tired of each other? 为什么两个人会逐渐相互厌倦?

grow是一个半系动词,“逐渐变得”。to be tire of sb./sth.,“厌倦某人/某物”。

What’s intense in a relationship is the newness. 恋爱关系中最强烈的是新鲜感。这句话的主语是一个特殊疑问句,类似的表达还有:Whether the market share will expand or shrink is still a mystery. 市场份额会扩大还是缩小,这还是个谜。

Romeo and Juliet, for example, never had a chance to get used to each other. 比如说,罗密欧和朱丽叶永远不可能有机会去彼此熟悉。

1. for example,“举例来说”,可以放在句首或句中。上面这句话也可以说成:For example, Romeo and Juliet never had a chance to get used to each other.

2. to have a chance to do sth.,“有机会做某事”。chance还可以表示“几率,可能性”,往往指好的事情实现的可能性。如:Is there any chance of you having a holiday this year? 你今年有没有放假的可能?

(Why do people become tired of each other? Because what’s intense in a relationship is the newness and when two stay together, the newness gradually disappear and they become tired of each other.)

问题五:Why does being in love make everything in life seem wonderful? 为什么恋爱让生活中方方面面看起来那么美好?

1. being in love在这里是动名词词组用来做主语,这里用来说明一种普遍现象。如:Controlling your emotion works for your public relationship. 控制情绪有助于公共人际关系。

2. seem是一个半系动词,后面接形容词,表示“看起来怎样”。

When we’re in love, it takes less stimulation to give us pleasure. 在我们坠入爱河的时候,我们更容易产生快乐感。

It takes sth. to do sth.,这里it是形式主语,代替真正的主语to give us pleasure,这句话相当于:To give us pleasure takes less stimulation. 如果是不定式或一个句子做主语,主语太长的时候,往往习惯在前面用一个形式主语it来代替真实主语,再把真实主语放在后面。如:It seems possible that one spends tens of hours traveling around the world. 花数十小时的时间作环球旅行,这是有可能的。

问题六:Do people work better when they’re in love, or are they too distracted? 热恋中的人工作效率更高还是更容易分散精力?

When people’s emotional needs are being met, they work better. 人的情感需求得到满足后,工作效率更佳。前半句话是一个现在进行时的被动语态,结构是:助动词be (is/am/are) + being done。如:The new life community is being established. 新的生活区正在形成。

(How’s one’s work then he or she is in love? Love gives him more energy, more enthusiasm, so he works better.)

问题七:How do you keep love alive? How do you keep the PEA flowing in your own ten-and-a-half-year marriage? 如何使爱情保持活力?如何在您是年半的婚姻生活里保持苯乙胺经久不衰?

ten-and-a-half-year形成一个复合形容词,“十年半的”,注意量词用单数,数词与数词、量词之间用连字符。比如the ten-thousand-li Great Wall,“万里长城”。

We’re buying a new home, an old farmhouse with some land. 我们准备把一处带着土地的旧农场买下来作为我们的新家。这里用现在进行时表示将来,表示在不久的将来,“很快”将做某事。an old farmhouse with some land 对new home进行解释。

The brain has to experience a change, or there will be no excitement. 大脑必须经历一些变化,否则就不会有任何兴奋激动的时刻。has to,“不得不”。or,“或者,否则”,这里是“否则”的意思,起转折的作用。

Answers to the Focus Questions

1. What is Dr. Liebowitz’s ‘neurochemical theory of romance’?

He believes that falling in love is influenced by our brain chemistry. This is his neurochemical theory of romance.

2. What is the basis for romantic attachment?

Chemically speaking, the basis for romantic attachment is something called endorphin produced in the locus ceruleus, where feelings of panic and separation anxiety seem to begin.

3. Why do people become tired of each other?

Because what’s intense in a relationship is the newness and when two stay together, the newness gradually disappear and they become tired of each other.

4. How’s one’s work then he or she is in love?

Love gives him more energy, more enthusiasm, so he works better.

Lesson 52 What a disaster!

Focus Questions

1. What are Miki and Melinda talking about?

2. What happened to Melinda when she met Ray?

3. Did Melinda like the movie?

Language Points in the Dialogue

1. 连接词用于描述自己的经历

because, because of,用来解释原因,前者接句子,后者接名词或名词短语。看课文中的句子:

Melinda was embarrassed because her dress had mud on it. Melinda很尴尬,因为她裙子弄脏了。

I was so embarrassed because of the way I looked. 看我那个(失态的)样子,真让我尴尬。(我尴尬是因为我很失态)

再学习一个与上面用法类似的词组。in case, in case of,用来提出条件,“假如,万一”。前者接句子,后者接名词或名词短语。如:

Dial 911 in case there’s an emergency. 万一有急事,打911。

Dial 911 in case of an emergency.

instead of,用来提出替代性的建议或陈述。看课文中的句子:

Instead of watching where I was going, I was busy daydreaming. 我在发呆而没有注意脚下的路。to be busy doing sth.,“忙于做某事”。

2. “跟我说说你的故事。”

So what happened on …? “……进展如何?”如:So what happened on your date with Ray?

Tell me about it. 跟我说说这件事。

How did that happen? 怎么会这样呢?

Anyway, you haven’t told me … 但你还没告诉我……

3. 其他习惯表达。

– Sorry I’m a little late. – No problem.

no problem用来回应别人的请求或道歉,“没问题,没关系”。

I didn’t mean to ... 说“我不是有意……”,常用这个结构。如:I didn’t mean to laugh. 我不是有意笑你。

Don’t take it so hard. 别太难过了,别想那么多了。

We did see a pretty good movie. 这里did助词起到强调作用,“的确,确实”,因为是一般过去时,所以用did,如果是一般现在时用do。如:I do have a problem.我的确有个问题。

Answers to the Focus questions

1. What are Miki and Melinda talking about?

They are talking about Melinda’s date with the man she loves.

2. What happened to Melinda when she met Ray?

She tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and fell in a puddle of water.

3. Did Melinda like the movie?

Yes, she did. It can be known from her words, “We did see a pretty good movie.”

Lesson 55 On your own

Writing Skills

在这个单元中,我们来学习记叙文的写法。记叙文,也就是讲故事,需要有几个要素,即时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过和结果。交代好了这些要素,一篇较为完整的记叙文就产生了。记叙文写作时,一般需要注意安排好 who, what, where, when, why 和how 等问题。比如我们在55课看见的这幅图,课文要求你根据这幅图来展开一个故事。可以把故事发生的背景定在晚会上,on the evening party, 主人公是参加晚会的两对夫妇, two couples。仔细观察图片,我们发现两对夫妇穿着一模一样的西服(suit)和礼裙(dress),由此产生的故事,你可以去想象一下。为什么会发生“撞衫”的情况?是巧合还是有意安排的?你可以试一试用你自己的想象力来完成一篇趣味性的记叙文。

Learning Objectives

Describe an embarrassing experience描述令人尴尬的经历

Suggest an alternative提供选择

Express uncertainty表示不确定

Tell a joke/story讲笑话/故事

Phrases and Expressions

assistant professor 助理教授〔高于讲师,低于副教授 (associate professor)〕

to fall/be in love陷入爱河/谈恋爱

an interview with sb. 采访某人

a big believer in sth. 非常相信某事

so … that …如此……以至于……

to stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

to think about sth. 思考某事

to have nothing to do with …与……无关

to distinguish between A and B 把A和B区分开来

at birth 出生时

to be in close relationship 关系密切

for example 比如

to have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事

to get used to sb./sth. 习惯某人/某事

to meet one’s need 满足某人需求

a date with sb. 与某人约会

instead of 而不是

to be busy doing sth. 忙着做某事

to hear from sb. 受到某人来信



