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Chapter 7 Technical communication

Letters, memos, and reports can be organized in different ways to serve a wide range of purposes. You need to be able to apply a variety of organizational strategies to the writing tasks that will be required of them. In this chapter, you learned how to organize and write instructions and manuals; descriptions of objects, mechanisms, and processes; persuasive letters and memos; and proposals.

Activity: (10 marks)
a. Choose one of the following topics and write a mechanism description of how it looks and a description of how it works.
electric fan
electric screw driver

1. Swing Unit
a. Turn the knob to the marked position. The fan swings within the limit.
b. Turn the knob to "0" where the swing unit stops.
c. If you want to adjust the wind direction, do not move the pedestal. Push the guard slightly until a click is heard.

2. Timer
a. There are signs of "ON" and "OFF" and various timing graduations. Turn the knob to "ON" when timing is not needed.
b. Turn clockwise to each timing graduation.
c. Control the working hours. The fan would stop at the preset time.

3. Regulation Unit
a. "0" means stop; the others mean the spinning speed ranging from the fastest to the slowest.
b. Lowering Unit.
A lock screw is installed to regulate the lowering unit.
c. Hold the swing unit on when fastening the screw. Press the swing unit to the desired position.
d. Fasten the screen.

4. Light indicator and color-adjusting light.
a. The power supply of the light indicator is controlled by the key-board switch.
b. When the indicator flashes, the power is through.
Chapter 8 Developing and using graphic and visual aids

Because most people remember what they see much longer and better than what they hear, graphic aids are important for you to know how to use as you work to improve your communication skills. This chapter will help you realize the important of using graphic aids.

This activity aims to help you learn how to use graphic aids in written documents and how to choose the best graphic aids based on the choosing object. You will also do the exercises of tables, charts, flow charts or some visual aids(maps, photographs and drawings).

Activity: (10 marks)

Choose one of the following topics and write an oral presentation with the best graphic aids:
a. Promoting of a newly-produced product to wholesalers.
b. Introducing this year's production volume to you5r board as a sales manager.
c. Sending a sales report to your company.

Dear Madams/Sirs,

In the past, Nuo NH6180 cost 500 yuan, but now it costs 300 yuan if you buy it directly from our company. It's has not only an attractive appearance, but a large vocabulary, including the vocabulary required by GRE, GMAT and TOEFL. So it has a promising market that will bring a considerable profit to you. With the growing number of English learners, the sales of this electric dictionary will be bigger and bigger. A chart is enclosed here.

Why id this electric dictionary so popular?

First, Nuo NH6180 can satisfy everyone who has a different English level. Second, Nuo NH6180 functions like a library, we can use it wherever and whenever we want. Learners can download for free from the Internet. Lastly, Nuo NH6180 is not only for learning and reading, but also for entertainment. I can promise you, Nuo NH6180 can bring a big benefit to your store. If you have any further queries or want to purchase it, please do not hesitate to call. The order number is 7538886. Now it's time for you to act!

Chapter 9 Communicating with customers

Communicating with customers requires all of the best communication skills as well as some extra effort. This chapter presents guidelines for successful customer contact, both one-on-one and by telephone or other electronic means. General customer contact, receiving and dealing with customers, and conducting business ethically are vital to providing quality customer service.

Activity: (10 points)
Compose an effective, professional voice-mail message for each of the following situations. In all cases, assume that you are a customer service provider calling a customer. Make up details about the specific circumstances, including the service provider's name and company, the customers' names, and the specific nature of the business being conducted.

a. Set an appointment with an external customer.
b. Change an appointment with an internal customer.
c. Confirm an appointment with an external customer.
d. Discuss a billing issue with an external customer.
e. Provide a specific piece of information to an internal customer.

Hello, Mr. John. This is Jerry with Nature Company. According to our records, you have failed to make the repayments, and the sum is over $5,000. I would be happy to discuss the matter with you at 8:00 p.m. July 1 if it's possible. I'm looking forward to receiving your call. The number is 7594080. Thank you!

Chapter 10 Nonverbal communication

This chapter is designed to help you realize the importance of nonverbal communication and listening. You learned the roles of nonverbal communication: to reinforce, contradict, substitute for, or regulate verbal communication; the forms of nonverbal communication: body language, appearance, touching, space, time, and voice and paralanguage. You also learned listening. Listening is the process used to hear, understand, and recall messages.

Activity 1: (4 marks)
Conducting an experiment in nonverbal communication by doing something that is abnormal. For example, sit too close to someone you don't know; offer to shake hands with someone and as the person extends his or her hand, withdraw your hand; put your hand on the shoulder of someone you don't know too well; stare at a stranger. Write a short report describing what you did and the reactions you received.

Case 1: If someone who is an unfamiliar to me sits too close to me, I'll leave that place and move to another place without any words.
Case 2: Someone offers to shake hands with me, but he/she suddenly withdraws before I hold his/hers. I'll be extremely angry and leave at once.
Case 3: If a stranger puts his/her hand on my shoulder, I'll push his/her hand away or ask him/her to move it away.
Case 4: If a stranger stares at me, I'll give him/her a dirty look.

Activity 2: (6 marks)
1) Prepare a table for recording your observations of listening behaviors and responses of people in a discussion. The chart should have five headings-active listening, casual listening, premature responses, sidetracking responses and feedback.
2) After preparing the table, go to a public place where you can observe several discussions or conversations. Observe situations that involve both casual and active listening. Record the actions of participants for each conversation and discussion. Compile your finds and write a memo to your teacher reporting your findings.

HeadingsRecordsActive listening1. Maintain eye contact.
2. sit and stand naturally without slumping or slouching.
3. take notes when necessary.
4. Nodding confirms listening and sometimes agreement.
5. Keep eyes wide open.Casual listening1. Rest your head on the arm.
2. Look outside from time to time.
3. Keep the eyes half open.
4. No facial expressions for agreement.Premature responsesGive wrong answers without thinking.Sidetracking responsesRemind him/her to keep to the topic.FeedbackLet other people thank you.

Chapter 11 Presentations and meetings

In this chapter, we have discussed short and formal oral presentations and participating, organizing, and leading meetings. Section 11.1 provides the process to use when planning and organizing oral presentation. The section also discusses the qualities of an effective delivery and provides guidelines for overcome fears of public speaking. Section 11.2 focuses on the three ways individuals may be involved in meetings-as participants, as organizers, and as leaders. Guidelines are provided for participating in meeting effectively, concepts for organizing a productive meeting, and tips for leading a meeting effectively.

Activity 1: (4 points)

Select a controversial issue and develop an outline using direct order for a presentation. You may want to choose a campus issue such as parking, food services, learning resources, or tuition.

I: Introduction
A: Attention-getter--we need better food service.
B: Objective--to explain why we need better food service.
II: Body
1. Dishes are the same all year round.
2. Prices are too high.
3. Environment is too noisy and dirty for us to enjoy ourselves.
B: Reasons
1. More and more people complain about the limited variety day after
2. Students need more nutrition.
3. Students have limited living budget.
III: Closing
Main idea--we need better food service.

Activity 2: (6 points)
Prepare an agenda for a meeting of your volunteer group to discuss an upcoming fund-rising project. As the leader, ask for progress reports from various communittee leaders. Supply all necessary information.

Fund-raising Meeting
Friday, May 26, 2006
10:30 a.m.
Meeting Room 1
1. Call for attention
2. Roll call
3. Subcommittee Reports
   A: Fund-raising predict
   B: Fund-raising problems
4. Discussion to work out the problems.
5. Announcements
6. Adjournment

Chapter 12 Getting your job

The last chapter focuses on career communication. In section 12.1, you are asked to examine your personal and career goals. After analyzing your employment qualifications, you learn how to analyze the job market and investigate organizations. In section 12.2, you learned how to prepare an attractive, effective resume. This section covers format, organization, and content of the resume. Section 12.3 explains how to write an application letter to accompany the resume. It also discusses its forms and how to fill them out. In section 12.4, you learned how to prepare for a job interview. The section discusses the role of verbal and nonverbal communication skills and describes questions that may be asked during an interview and their answers. The final section examines the use of follow-up letters after the interview.

Activity: (10 points)
Assume the following:
You are in your last term of school and will graduate in two months.
At the end of this term, you will have completed all courses required in your academic year.
Your GPA is exactly what it is now.
Your memberships in clubs and organizations are exactly what they are now.

a. Print a copy of the advertisement you selected. Write a resume and cover letter for the position. Use the resume format that best suits your qualifications.
b. Assume that you received an interview for the position and that you are interested in the job. Write a follow-up letter.


Christopher Jones
24 Mansfield Av, Oklahoma, OK 73118
Tel: (405) 524-9999

I'm an English student who is keen to finding a position as a teacher. I'm reliable, trustworthy, numerate and meticulous. Worked for a school of chartered teaching assistant last summer and gained a good understanding of what is required of an teacher. Able to work on own initiative or as part of a team and can deal with administrative duties competently.
* Bachelor of Arts in English, the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma; 2009; Minors: English; Current GPA: 3.0 / 4.0.
* Subjects studied: Business Studies, Computer Studies, Calculus, Geometry & Topology and Catastrophe Theory.
* Teaching Assistant, 2005 to present:
Thomas Barnes College, Big City, USA.
Duties included correcting exams, tutoring English and literature students, assisting professor with large lecture classes.
High School Teaching Assistant, 2000 to 2005:
Bradley Wilson High School, Small City, USA.
Responsible for grading tests and papers, assisting students with their work, and taking attendance in English and literature classes.
* Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Office XP (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access).
* Interests at university included organizing a charity quiz, which raised $5000. Movies and theater.

Cover letter

Christopher Jones
24 Mansfield Av, Oklahoma,
OK 73118

September 20, 2006

Professor Reginald Arnold
Eastern State University
45 University Row
Any Town, USA 99999

Dear Professor Arnold:

I saw the posting on JobBankUSA.com for employment as a graduate teaching assistant in your classroom for 18th century English literature. I would welcome being hired for this position. I am in a doctoral program at City University and expect to earn my degree in June 2007.

I am writing this cover letter to apply for this position. I feel certain you have specific requirements and expectations of graduate teaching assistants at the school. I promise to meet them and to provide my best effort during my tenure if you decide I am the one to fill this job.

If we could meet in person, I could show you my work and find out more about what you are looking for. Please call 888-888-8888 to arrange a date and time that works for you if you would like to get together. Thank you for considering me for the job.


Christopher Jones

Follow-up letter

Christopher Jones
24 Mansfield Av, Oklahoma,
OK 73118

Dear Professor Arnold:

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to me about the teaching assistant position with our college. I appreciate your time and consideration in interviewing me for this position.

After speaking with you and the group, I believe that I would be a perfect candidate for this position, offering the quick learning and adaptability that is needed for a diversified position.

In addition to my enthusiasm for performing well, I would bring the technical and analytical skills necessary to get the job done.

I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you once the final decisions are made regarding this position. Please feel free to contact me at anytime if further information is needed. My cell phone number is (555) 111-1111. Thank you again for your time and consideration.


Christopher Jones



