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旅 游 英 语(1)




班 级: ____________________

福建广播电视大学 编制


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得分: 学习记录 (四次)10%
得分: 平时综合表现(参加面授辅导的次数、参加课堂讨论及小组活动的积极性及所表现出来的水平)10%得分: 上网学习(包括上网学习、BBS讨论、网上答疑)   20%计算公式:上网学习成绩×20%

得分: 形成性考核总成绩=记分作业成绩+学习记录成绩+平时综合表现+上网学习成绩 100分


开放教育专科旅游管理专业《旅游英语(1)》形成性考核作业 (一)

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一、Translate the following terms from Chinese into English.
1. 出境旅游

2. 世界旅游组织

3. 旅游市场需求

4. 度假

5. 开发数据库

6. 经济的冲击

7. 乘数效应

8. 现有的基础设施

9. 缩减进口

10. 餐饮部门

Read the passage Economic Impact of Tourism as well as the passage Economic Multiplier carefully, then write a summary entitled What Are the Multiplier Effects of Tourism with no more than 250 words. While writing, you can use the following keys words.
Suggested words and expressions: tourists, impact, indict, leakage, rounds of spending (expenditure), spend and respend, for example, process, circulation.

开放教育专科旅游管理专业《旅游英语(1)》形成性考核作业 (二)

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一、Translate the following terms from Chinese into English.
  In order for these planning and management measures to succeed, there is a need for continued coordination of efforts between central and local governments and between the public and private sectors. In many cases, the work which is needed to conserve the natural environment and to manage it effectively requires capital investment from central government if they are to succeed. As a result, this raises issues in connection with the capital cost of financing tourist developments, and the revenue costs of managing them, especially in National Parks and scenically important countryside and coastal areas.
二、Reading comprehension
  Using a public telephone may well be one of the minor irritations of life, demanding patience, determination and a strong possibility of failure, together on occasion with considerable unpopularity.
The hopeful caller (shall we call him George?)waits till six o'clock in the evening to take advantage of the so-called 'cheap rates' for a long-distance call. The telephone box, with two broken panes of glass in the side, stands at the junction of two main roads with buses, lorries and cars roaring past. It is pouring with rain as George joins a queue of four depressed-looking people. Time passes slowly and seems to come to a standstill while the person immediately before George carries on an endless conversation, pausing only to insert another coin every minute or so.
Eventually the receiver is replaced and the caller leaves the box. George enters and picks up one of the directories inside, only to discover that someone unknown has torn out the very page he needs. Nothing for but to dial Directory Enquiries, wait patiently for a reply( while someone outside bangs repeatedly on the door) and finally note down the number given.
At last George can go ahead with his call. Just as he is starting to dial, however, the door opens and an unpleasant-looking face peers in with the demand, 'Can't you hurry up?". Ignoring such barbarity, George continues to dial and his unwanted companion withdraw. At last he hears the burr-burr of the ringing tone, immediately followed by rapid pips demanding his money but he is last located them, he dials again: the pips are repeated and he hastily inserts the coins. A cold voice informs him, " Grand Hotel, Chalfont Wells.' 'I've an urgent message for a Mr Smith who is a guest in your hotel. Could you put me through to him? I'm afraid I don't know his room number.'
The response appears less than enthusiastic and a long silence follows. Gorge inserts more coins. Then the voice informs him, 'I've been trying to locate Mr Smith but the hall porter reports having seen him leave about a minute ago.'
Breathing heavily, George replaces the receiver, just as the knocking on the door starts again.
1. The main intention of the passage is to provide_________.
A. instructions about how to use a public call box
B. advice about how to deal with public telephone problems
C. criticism of possible annoyances in using a public telephone
D. an account of possible annoyances in using a public telephone
2. Which of the following calls are you unlikely to make at the 'cheap rate' referred to ?
A. to discuss your account in a bank in Scotland
B. to have a chat with an elderly relation
C. to ask about a friend in hospital who has just had an operation
D. to express Christmas greetings to cousins in Australia
3. George can at least be thankful that _________-.
A. the call box is in a convenient position
B. the telephone itself is working
C. he can use the directory in the box to find the number
D. he is able to give his message to the hotel receptionist
4. What are George's feelings when he completes his call ?
A. He hasn't remembered to put the money in the box.
B. He hasn't got enough money with him.
C. He has got to find the money to put in the box.
D. He can't find the number he wants in the directory.
5. What are George's feelings when he completes his call ?
A. He has some difficulty in controlling his annoyance.
B. He is very disappointed at missing his friend.
C. He is annoyed with himself for being so stupid.
D. He is depressed at the thought of having to try again to get through.

开放教育专科旅游管理专业《旅游英语(1)》形成性考核作业 (三)

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一、Translate the following terms from English into Chinese.
1.Business facilities

2.a marked trend in tourism industry

3.Three-dimensional scenes

4.Serve a dual function

5. Public taste and fashion

6. mass standardized and rigidly package (MSRP) tourism

7. tourist boards

8. computerized reservations terminals

9. Tailor-made holidays

10.yield management

  Read the passage carefully, then write a composition entitled on trends in Tourism Attractions with no less than 200 words. While writing, you can use the following key words.
  Suggested words and expressions: attraction, facility., trend, appeal to, conjure up, interesting and entertaining places to visit, serve the function of, convert, exciting, be interested in.

开放教育专科旅游管理专业《旅游英语(1)》形成性考核作业 (四)

姓名 学号 上交日期 教师签名
一、Translate the following terms from Chinese into English.
  The added value of travel agent in the tourism industry has been subject to heated discussion. An important element in this discussion concerns the presence of advanced "holiday information systems": systems with which holidays can be browsed, assembled, and booked. The accessibility of these systems to tourists is often argued to reduce the importance of travel agents, ultimately to the extent that they will be bypassed by the tourists. This prediction is often referred to as a move towards "disintermediation" of the industry.
二、Reading comprehension
  The most immediately noticeable characteristic of American architecture is its extreme variety. Americans have reproduced or adapted every European style and even some Asian ones.
Americans have built Greek temples, medieval castles, French Renaissance palaces. Private homes of the most diverse kinds stand side by side on the same street. Originality had been shown primarily in the aesthetic use of native materials, in the development of the famous skyscraper, and in the functional purity and beauty of modern factories and office buildings.
The early settlers found a great abundance of wood in the forests of America. Since the trees had to be cleared before fields could be planted, houses were naturally made of wood. Though wood is comparatively more expensive now, most small homes are still built of it. Speculative builders acquire large tracts of empty land, and fill them with nearly identical wooden houses, in currently popular styles.
In the hot dry Southwest, the Spaniards built with soft white stone or with baked bricks wooden pillars and ceiling beams. This remains the predominant style in California, the Southwest, and parts of Florida.
1. How many types of architecture are there in the US/
A. three B. four C. a large number D. not many
2. The word 'diverse'(Paragraph2) most probably means________.
A. side B. same C. private D. different
3. How has US architecture been original?
A. It copies from the French. B. It is pure.
C. It uses wood. D. It emphasizes usability.
4. A building material which is widely used for homes is __________.
A. forest B. wood C. metal D. native
5. Building styles in California were inherited from ______.
A. the French B. the Spaniards C. the Asians D. the Greeks

Student Learning Progress Report(Units 1- 2)
Name_______ Class________ Submission Date__________Score__________
1. What I have learned from these units is (50-100 words in a paragraph):

2. The things I found most difficult to understand or to deal with in these units are:

3. The most difficult part(s)or section(s) in these Units is/are:

4. The suggestions I have for this Unit's tutorial session are:

Student Learning Progress Report(Units 3- 4)
Name_______ Class________ Submission Date__________Score__________
1. What I have learned from these units is (50-100 words in a paragraph):

2. The things I found most difficult to understand or to deal with in these units are:

3. The most difficult part(s)or section(s) in these Units is/are:

4. The suggestions I have for this Unit's tutorial session are:

Student Learning Progress Report(Units 5-7)
Name_______ Class________ Submission Date__________Score__________
1. What I have learned from these units is (50-100 words in a paragraph):

2. The things I found most difficult to understand or to deal with in these units are:

3. The most difficult part(s)or section(s) in these Units is/are:

4. The suggestions I have for this Unit's tutorial session are:

Student Learning Progress Report(Units 8- 10)
Name_______ Class________ Submission Date__________Score__________
1. What I have learned from these units is (50-100 words in a paragraph):

2. The things I found most difficult to understand or to deal with in these units are:

3. The most difficult part(s)or section(s) in these Units is/are:

4. The suggestions I have for this Unit's tutorial session are:

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