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关键字: 威胁 防范 国外 科技优势 考核 电大 汉语专题 赤脚医生 | 时间:2024-09-20 15:15

发布时间:2024-09-20 15:15

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Part II
Learning Activity 1
Key to Task 1(p 7)
Choose the best connecting word or phrase from the box below to complete the following sentences.
as though despite the fact that hardly in case
no sooner provided the moment in order to 1. No sooner had Jane left college than offers of work came in.
2. The moment Jack left college, he set off round the world.
3. Hardly had Mary left college when she realized she was expecting their first child.
4. The Director looked very pale at the meeting, as though he had just received some very bad news.
5. I have been promised a job as a trainee manager in my uncle's hotel, provided (on the condition that) I pass all my final-year school examinations.
6. Her parents encouraged her to do a secretary course in case she could not find work as an actress.
7. I had some coaching in maths before the exam in order to increase my chances of passing.
8. John was not offered the job despite the fact he was the best applicant.
Key to Task 2 (p8)
There are ten mistakes in the following passage, find the out and correct them:
One might wonder why, after the Norman Conquest, French did not become the national language, replacing English entirely. The reason is that the Conquest was not a national migration, as the earlier Anglo-Saxon invasion had been. Great numbers of Normans came to England , but they came as rulers and landlords. French became the language of the court, the language of ? nobility, the language of polite society, the language of literature. But it did not replace English as the language of the people. There must always have been hundreds of towns and villages in which French was never heard except when visitors of high station passed through.
Key to Task 3 (p8)
Here is a short story from which some verbs have been omitted. Fill the blanks with verbs which you find appropriate in the context.
The post war era witnessed the birth perhaps the most powerful medium of mass communication in history: television. Experiments in broadcasting pictures (along with sound) over the airwaves had begun as early as the 1920s, but commercial television did not come into existence until shortly after World War II. It experienced a phenomenally rapid growth. In 1946, there were only 17000 sets in the entire country (the United States); by 1953, two thirds of all American homes had television sets; and by 1957, there were 40 million television sets in use-almost as many sets as there were families. More people had television sets, according to one report, than had refrigerators......
The impact of television on American life was rapid, pervasive, and profound. Television news had by the end of the 1950s replaced newspapers, magazines and radios as the nation's most important vehicle of information. Television advertising exposed the entire nation to new fashions and products. Television entertainment programming, almost all of it controlled by the three national networks (the National Broadcasting Company, the Columbia Broadcasting System, and the American Broadcasting Company) created a common image of American life -an image that was predominantly white, middle-class, and suburban. Televised sports events gradually made professional sports one of the important sources of entertainment (and one of the biggest businesses) in America .
Part II
Learning Activity 2
Key to Task 2(p11)
Task 2 (4 points)
The extract of The Gift of the Magi is given below. Edit the article, which contains some errors. Look for:
one punctuation mistakes
one article mistakes three tense mistakes
two spelling mistakes three preposition mistakes
Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. She stood by the window and looked out dully at a grey cat walking a grey fence in a grey backyard. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present. She had been saving every penny she could for months, with this result. Twenty dollars a week doesn't go far. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated. They always are. Only $1.87 to buy a present for Jim. Her Jim. Many a happy hour she had spent planning for something nice for him. Something fine and rare and sterling - something just a little bit near to being worthy of the honour of being owned by Jim.
There was a pier-glass between the windows of the room. Perhaps you have seen a pier-glass in an $8 flat. A very thin and very agile person may, by observing his reflection in a rapid sequence of longitudinal strips, obtain a fairly accurate conception of his looks. Della, being slender, had mastered the art.
Part II
Learning Activity 3
Key to Task 1 (p15)
In the text below there are thirty words which are frequently misspelt in English. In each case part of the word is written for you. Complete the words using the correct spelling.
I'm (1)writing to tell you about a (2) foreign (3) professor who visited our department on (4) Wednesday. He gave a lecture on (5) government funding of (6) science, (7) especially (8) medicine and (9) psychiatry. He was very interesting although at times his (10) pronunciation made him (11) difficult to follow. He (14) referred to some (15) fascinating (16) research being done in (17) Brazil at the moment. He (18) recommended that we tried to attend a conference in Rio in (19) February and gave us the (20) address of the (21) secretary of the conference (22) committee to write to for an (23) application form. He suggested that I (24) offered to give a paper there on the (25) arguments about the (26) relevance of work done by contemporary (27) scientists but I think I'd be too (28) embarrassed. Perhaps we could consider giving a paper (29) together instead of two (30) separate ones?
Key to Task 2 (p15)
Rewrite the following letter by making it correct and clear:
Dear Mr Richards
It's about Mrs Scott who died. I know all about you and her but I wonder whether Mrs Richards does. I know ALL about it. I hope you believe me, because if you don't I am going to tell her everything. You don't want that and I am not going to tell her if you agree. You are rich and is a thousand pounds is nothing to you. If you agree, I will not bother to write again. I keep all promises, believe me. The police don't know anything and I have never mentioned it to anyone. This is what you have to do. Go down to Walton Street in Jericho and turn left into Walton Well Road and then straight on over the little Canal bridge and then over the railway bridge. You will come to a parking area where you can't go much further. Turn round and face Port Meadow and you will see a row of willow trees. The fifth from the left has got a big hole in it about five feet from the ground. So put the money there and drive away: I will be watching all the time. I will give you a ring soon, and that will be the only time. I hope you will not try anything funny. Please remember your wife.
Key to task 4 ( p18)
There are six sections in the following Curriculum Vitae, add the titles to each section (-------), complete the resume:
Curriculum Vitae
John Bruni
(1)Personal Details
Address: At home At university
110 Piccadilly Road 50 Romford Road
London W2H 6NK London E20 8LM
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Telephone: 0181 854 3909 20 7709 7802
E-mail: jb@yahoo.com john_03@uel.ac.uk
Date of Birth: 16 October 1981
Nationality: British
University of East London Currently in final year of a degree programme:
BA(Hons) Information & Publishing Studies
Expected grade: 2:1
Positions of Responsibility Course Representative for the Staff/Student
               Course Social Representative
               Founder Member & Secretary of the BSU Line
               Dancing Club
Red Bridge Community College : Red Bridge Access Programme
Pitmans Bookkeeping and Accounts: levels 1 & 2
Jones Allan School, Dulwich: 8 GCSEs Grades A-C (including English, Maths and French)
Position of Responsibility School Prefect 1st XI Hockey Captain
              House Captain NCO in school CCF
               Helped edit the sixth form year book
(3)Skills at a Glance
Computer Skills: Web design and authoring
DTP skills including Quark Xpress, Photoshop & PageMaker
Regularly use the internet & email
Scanning & OCR
Good knowledge of Microsoft Office '97,'98 & 2000
Other Key skills: Administration and secretarial skills
     Ability to adapt quickly to different working environments
Excellent communication skills
Good eye for detail
Good tem member
Work best under pressure
Intermediate level French
Good time management skills
Working towards a Gold Certificate on LSU
               training programme
               Course Representative training by Price
               Waterhouse Coopers
Job Title: Work experience
Company: Continuum Publications
Dates: July - August 2002
Job Title: Editorial Assistant
Company: Electronics Times
Dates: August - September 2002
Job Title: Temporary PA and Secretary
Company: Reed Employment
Dates: November '00 - September '01, and Summer '02
(5) Interests and Activities
Sport: British Students Rugby Football Club (00-01)
Recreational squash, tennis and hockey
Club& society memberships: British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV),
                    including a conservation holiday to Hokkaido in
                    Japan during summer 2000
UEL Students Line Dancing Club (2001)
UEL Students Hiking Club
Other interests: Reading , music(piano), Internet surfing, theatre,
                 travel (traveled widely in Europe, Africa, the USA and Canada )



