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关键字: 威胁 防范 国外 科技优势 考核 电大 汉语专题 赤脚医生 | 时间:2024-09-20 16:12

发布时间:2024-09-20 16:12

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形考总成绩: ___________ 教师签名:___________

(注:1. 形成性考核至少包括两种不同形式。
   2. 形成性考核总成绩=∑折合成绩,折合成绩=单项成绩×比例)

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(Unit 1)
I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the textbook to complete the following sentences:
1. Don't forget to date your letters at the end of it.
2. The advantages of the plan outweigh its drawbacks.
3. He strapped the bag onto his bicycle
4. Astronauts take a long time to adjust themselves to the environment of weightlessness in outer space.
5. The new land was quickly populated by the new settlers.
6. The company launched the new perfume with prime-time commercials on the major networks.
7. I sent a message to Mary via her brother.
8. The heavy blow sent the enemy spinning to the ground.
9. We are encouraged to recycle waste paper for the sake of environmental protection.
10. The strength and success of the German advance had surprised everybody.
II. Complete the following statements with a phrase or expression from the textbook:
1. Tom looks very strong. I think he benefits from the daily exercises.
2. He felt that there was prestige in having a wife, not to mention an expensive villa.
3. The government has promised to put more money into education this year.
4. He hasn't enough money for food, let alone amusements.
5. When one gets old, he is more likely to look back on his past good old days.
6. "Mother's careful with her money, and spends only a fraction of her earnings."
7. Good leather shoes range from $10 to $100 a pair.
8. Nearly half of the congress is made up of lawyers.
9. We disliked the acting but enjoyed the play as a whole.
10. She had trouble in zipping up her dress from the back.

Unit 2

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I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the textbook to complete the following sentences:
1. Dan is admired for his integrity and devotion to his job.
2. There was a power failure this morning, so we had to climb 11 flights of stairs to get to our office.
3. The patient asked the doctor to give him pain-killers to lessen his chest pain.
4. None of us can equal her in the ability to memorize facts.
5. We hope ultimately to be able to buy a house of our own
6. Rose seems to symbolize love in all cultures.
7. Health warnings have been issued to the public at the outbreak of bird flu.
8. Hitler is known for his tyranny and wicked ambition to conquer the world.
II. Translate the following from English into Chinese(参见课文译文)
1. Old traditions in any cultures die hard.
2. The victim of racial discrimination and of the time in which he lived, Owens ultimately created his place in history through his own inner courage and determination.
3. As a sophomore, in the Big Ten championship games in 1935, he set even more records than he would in his Olympic glory a year later.
4. Hitler had intended the Berlin games to reinforce the Nazi doctrine of Aryan supremacy,
5. Perhaps no athlete better symbolized the human struggle against tyranny, poverty, and racial bigotry.


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Unit 3
I. Find suitable words from the text to match the following definitions:
1. to leave a colored mark that is difficult to remove(stain)
2. to fill something too full(cram)
3. to exchange goods for other goods(barter)
4. to negotiate the terms of an agreement, as to sell or exchange(bargain)
5. The prescribed form of conducting a formal secular ceremony(carnival)
6. One that sells or vends(vendor)
7. Extraordinary; outstanding(phenomenal)
8. To be the equal of; match:(rival)
9. The act of inflating or the state of being inflated.(inflation)
10. that can be imagined (conceivable)
II. Read the passage in your Workbook on Page 31-32 and do the following T or F exercises:
1. (T ) The term "Flea Markets" originally came from French.
2. (T ) Initially there were actually fleas crawling on the goods in the "Flea markets."
3. ( T) There are both indoor and outdoor flea markets in Europe.
4. ( T ) Besides goods, thoughts were also on sale at the beginning.
5. ( F ) According to the article, there are flea markets every where in the world.
6. ( F) It was the connoisseurs that attracted people to the French flea markets.
7. ( F ) By "portable" the writer meant the market could be carried.
8. ( T ) "Swap Meets" is American name for the market.

Unit 4
I. Vocabulary Dictation:
  2. voyage

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教师签名: 4.altitude
5. intend
6. suspend
9. deflate
10. notify
II. Write an exposition article on the topic of " How to ..." in about 150 words. Please use as many time markers as possible to put events in good order.

Unit 5

得 分:

I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the textbook to complete the following sentences:
1. We marveled that they walked away unhurt from the car accident.
2. We anticipate great pleasure from our visit to London.
3. In winter some birds migrate to the south to find warmer weather.
4. The boy showed ingenuity in making toys, which won numerous prizes for him.
5. This note is only a reminder. I just hope you won't forget.
6. The chairman just wanted the facts; You don't need to elaborate on them.
7. Small seashells were once used as a primitive kind of money.
8. Setting off firecrackers makes a tremendous noise and causes serious air pollution.
9. All theories originate from / in practice and in turn serve practice.
10. The company has really flourished since the chief engineer joined us.
II. Translations:
1. 最重要的是要往前看而不是往后看。(above all, look back on)
Above all ,we should not look back on but look forward .
  2. 我批评你是为你好。( benefit)
  I criticized you for the benefit of your advantage.
  3. 我们必须把传统文化一代一代传下去。( pass)
  We must pass traditional culture down general by general.
  4. 中国最大的问题是农民问题。( by far)
  By far the most important issue for China is about peasantry.
  5. 事情有轻重缓急,必须依次做好。( in turn)
  Business can be divided by importance or hast, we have to finished them in turn.

            Unit 6

得 分:

I. Match the words with their corresponding definitions in the box:

1.misbehave GA. To take upon oneself2.bossy IB. Adding sth which others don't have3.minimize LC. To oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary action; check.4.enhance HD. not relaxed5.complementary BE. To declare to be true; affirm:6.assume CF. large in area or amount7.extensively FG. To behave badly.8.counteract EH. To improve sth9.sibbling KI. Given to ordering others around;10.inhibited DJ. Fond of the company of others11.maintain AK. a brother or sister.12.sociable JL. To reduce to the smallest possible amount, extent, size, or degreeII. Based on what we have learned in Unit 6, Write a letter in reply to the complaint from "Frustrated" on Page 60 in your textbook.

            Unit 7

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教师签名: I. Use one of the following intensifiers to fill in the gaps below. Do not use the same word twice.
highly, deeply, heartily, extremely, well,
badly, actually, far, totally, bitterly,
1. It was really extremely kind of you to help us.
2. We all feel far more certain of our position now.
3. Did you actually hear him threaten the girl?
4. I am sure she must have been badly shaken.
5. You will bitterly regret this one day.
6. We were all deeply moved to hear you say that.
7. Mr. Chairman, I heartily support the last speaker's remarks.
8. We need technicians who are highly trained.
9. I can well imagine how the poor hostess felt.
10. I can see what you mean. I am not totally blind.
II. Read the article on Page 90 in your Guidebook and write a summary of it in about 100 words.

            Unit 8

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教师签名: I. Put the following verbs in their proper tenses:
1. We suggest that this applicant apply next year.
2. If I were feeling over-tired, I wouldn't go on.
3. I would much rather we stayed at home this evening.
4. We were hoping you could come and have lunch with us tomorrow.
5. The Committee recommends that the annual budget be increased by 10%.
6. It is highly desirable that every effort be made to reduce the expenditure.
7. Be that as it may, our expenditure is bound to increase.
8. Is it not time we set our own house in order?
9. It is important that John know what he is supposed to do.
10. If I had not underestimated the situation, we wouldn't have lost the game.
II.? Cloze:?
It is a beautiful day on the Pacific Ocean? Suddenly a long gray shape breaks
out of the water, travels a short way, and disappears_____ the ocean again? Two minutes_____ it (3)_____ again and then disappears? It is a whale swimming from the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean to a (4)_____ place to bear her young.
Whales are the largest (5)_____ in the world? The gray whale can be up to fifteen meters (6)_____ and weigh thirty - five tons. The largest whale is the blue whale, (7)____ is larger than thirty elephants? A newborn baby weighs two tons and is over eight meters long.
Whales live in the ocean, (8)_____ they are not fish. They are warm - blooded mammals and must have air to breathe. The babies are born alive and drink milk (9)_____ the mother's body. It (10)_____millions of years for the whale to develop(11)_____ it is today??
Every spring (12)_____ of whales swim hundreds of kilometers to warm places to bear their young. Each group goes to the (13)_____place every year? The mothers take very good (14)_____ of their babies. The adults are very gentle and playful with each other and with humans. The "talk" to each other (15)_____ a high noise that sounds like singing? This "talking" can be heard for more than 300 kilometers in open area waters.??
1? A) from B) into C) onto D) towards
2? A) later B) after C) late D) ago
3? A) presents B) seems C) occurs D) appears
4? A) hotter B) warm C) heated D) warmer
5? A) animals B) fishes C) creature D) mammal
6? A) large B) long C) tall D) high
7? A) what B) that C) which D) whom
8? A) furthermore B) therefore C) otherwise D) but
9? A) on B) at C) from D) off
10? A) took B) spent C) takes D) spends
11? A) like B) as C) until D) alike
12? A) flocks B) herds C) crowds D) group
13? A) similar B) alike C) resemble D) same
14? A) care B) after C) note D) notice
15? A) with B) in C) through D) at

            Unit 9

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教师签名: I. Paraphrase the following statements in your own words:
1. Many people who have been influenced by modern scientific age rarely use fortunetelling for anything other than amusement.
2. If someone gives you a black pearl, beware of bad luck.
3. The thought never crossed my mind.
4. Perhaps the fortunetellers have not been able to keep up with the pace of change.
5. Someone has a grudge against you.
II. Translate the following:
1. 冬天开车时,我们要小心路面上的冰;(beware of)
We must beware of the ice on the road when we drive in the winter.
2. 科学家正在努力发现疾病的治疗方法。(come up with)
Scientists are making efforts to come up with methods of treatment.
3. 外科医生们在肾移植方面取得了重大突破。(breakthrough)
Chirurgeons got a huge breakthrough in replanting of kidney
4. 大部分国家都希望看到一个强大的中国,当然也有例外。(exception)
Most of country want to see a strong China, of course there are some exception.
5. "东亚病夫" 已成历史。
Sick man of East Asia was history.

            Unit 10

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教师签名: I. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word from the text:
1. We never expected he is someone who repaid our kindness with meanness.
2. The teapot looked old but was a recent fake.
3. The war was over, and all the prisoners were released to go home.
4. Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you?
5. Taylor's fascination with computer games developed into an obsession.
6. Jack is under the weather recently. It is all because he is too depressed by the loss of his job.
7. In his traveling report, he tried to capture the beauty of the Great Waterfalls.
8. China must always keep alert to guard against any possible financial crisis.
II. Rewrite the following statements by using one of the subordinators:
 if unless when as soon as after before in case
1. If you arrive at your hotel before five, please telephone me at my office.
2. I will leave a message for you with my secretary in case I will be out when you telephone.
3. When you arrive and I am not in my office, telephone me at my house.
4. Do not make any appointments before I discuss your program with you.
5. As soon as we agree on your program, you can start making appointments.
6. You must not make any appointments unless I don't approve of them.
7. You will be free to go sightseeing after you finish all your work first.
8. If you do not carry out all your program, you will have to come back next week.
9. If You run into difficulties, do not proceed.
10. I will not interfere unless you run into difficulties

            Unit 11

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教师签名: I. Dictation
II. Cloze (15 points):?
Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passage? For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) beneath the passage? You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.
In recent times there have been several gold rushes? People heard stories of
finding large pieces of gold lying on the (1)___. ___ (2)they heard they could earn a
fortune just by (3)___ a little hole. Then all kinds of people rushed to the (4) ___ of the latest gold discovery. The California gold rush (5)___ in 1849 brought hundreds of people into a wild, unknown area with very (6)___ government control? Most of them were very independent and looking for adventure as well as riches? The gold rush on the Fraser River in British Columbia was different? The miners needed a (7)___from the Canadian government and were not (8)___ to move around the area to look for gold. There were other gold rushes in Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand? In 1886 gold was discovered in South Africa? However, the (9)___ was different there? The miners needed complicated machinery to take gold from the ground and separate it (10)___ the other minerals? Only large companies have the money to (11)___ this? (12)___ this reason, a few large mining companies control the gold production in South Africa today. Gold lasts (13)___. For centuries people have made gold coins and jewelry, later(14)___ them into a liquid, and used the gold again? If you have some gold jewelry, it is possible that this same gold was a piece of jewelry for (15)___who lived thousands of years ago? And thousands of years from now, someone else may be wearing this same gold in another form.

1? A) earth B) soil C) ground D) field
2? A) Otherwise B) Or C) Yet D) Then
3? A) drawing B) digging C) searching D) exploring
4? A) condition B) location C) situation D) scene
5? A) setting B) dating C) originating D) starting
6? A) little B) strong C) few D) strict
7? A) order B) promise C) approval D) license
8? A) freed B) free C) promised D) liberal
9? A) rush B) circumstance C) situation D) discovery
10?A) from B) out C) of D) off
11?A) buy B) do C) have D) make
12? A) At B) For C) With D) In
13?A) finally B) lately C) forever D) eventually
14? A) melted B) formed C) combined D) made
15? A) someone B) anyone C) anybody D) nobody)

            Unit 12

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教师签名: I. Match the words with their definitions in the box:
1.tactless FA. One of a number of things from which one must be chosen.2.bunch IB. Characteristic or typical:3.alternative AC. One that succeeds another.4.universal HD. extreme:5.distinctive BE. tremendously6.dramaricF. Lacking or exhibiting a lack of tact7.enormously EG. Arresting or forceful in appearance or effect:8.successor CH. worldwide:9.stark JI. A group of like items placed together10.radicalJ. Bare; blunt:II. Write a short article on the topic of "Solutions to Crimes" in about 1oo words in two to three paragraphs.

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