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关键字: 威胁 防范 国外 科技优势 考核 电大 汉语专题 赤脚医生 | 时间:2024-09-20 17:08

发布时间:2024-09-20 17:08

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Units 1~2
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1. There (c) a pair of glass but there (c) no books on the desk
a. are, are b. is, is c. is ,are d. are, is
2. Nobody but Tom and Mary (d) in the laboratory
a. are b. have been c. were d. is
3. He dropped the (d) and broke it.
a. cup of coffee b. coffee's cup c. cup for coffee d. coffee cup
4. January is (c) month of the year
a. first b. a first c. the last d. the first
5. I have four brother.One is in Beijing, and (d) are in Shanghai
a. another b. other c.the other d. the others
6. -I don't like chicken (d) fish
-I don't like chicken (d) I like fish very much
a. and , and b. and ,but c. or ,and d. or, but
7. -Let me introduce myself. I'm Albert
a. What a pleasure! b. It's my pleasure c. Pleased to meet you d. I'm very pleased
8. The boy wrote (c) last week
a. a two-thousand-words article b. two two-thousand-words article
c. a two-thousand-word article d. two two-thousand-words articles
Units 3~4
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1.Let's go to the cinema, (b)?
a. will we b. shall we c. must we d. do we
2. -Why was a special meeting called?
-(a) a newchairman
a. To elect b. Electing c. Election d. Elected
3. -How's the young man?
a. He's twenty b. He's a doctor c. He's much better d. He's David
4. -(b) is the man in the car?
-He is my brother
a. How b. Who c. Where d. What
5.You think everything will be all right in time, (d)
a. so I do b. so I think c. nor do I d. so do I
6. (a) page of the book is torn and (a) cover looks very old.
a. The, the b. A, a c. A, the d. The ,a
7. Many people are still in (c) habit of writing silly things in ( c ) public places
a. the, the b. /, / c. the, / d. /, the
8. I don't like talking on (b) telephone; I prefer writing (b) letters
a. a ,the b. the, / c. the, the d. a, /
Units 5~6
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1.Bill said that he didn't do (d) paper work
a. many b. lots of c. a great deal of d. much
2. I waited there for thirty minutes; that seemed (d) hours to me
a. much b. very much c. as many d. so many
3. -Would you like some wine?
  -Yes,just (c)
a. a few b. little c. a little d. few
4. -What do you think about these pies?
  -I would like to have (b)
a. some other b. another c. the other d. other
5. He and his brother are (b)
a. all students b. both students c. another student d. some students
6. -What did Jack do last year?
  -I heard (a) taught German
a. he b. his c. he is d. him
7. -Did you find your pen this afternoon?
  --No, I didn't find (c),but I've bought ( c)
  a. it, it b. one , one c. it , one d. one ,it
8. -Anything wrong?
 -There was no objection on the part of (a) present
a. this b. those c. these d. that
Units 7~8
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1.We've agreed (b) Spain for our holiday next year
a. to b. on c. for d. with
2. They have one hour to read newspapers (a) their ordinary work
a. apart from b. without c. far from d. with
3. There is something (a) you said. I'll take your advice
a. in what b. in which c. for that d. at that
4. Sometimes I have a cup of coffee after lunch, but I don't make a habit (b)
a. for b. of c. about d. from
5. Readers can (d) quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word
a. get over b. get in c. get along d. get through
6. (a) lessons were not difficult
a. Our first few short French b. Our few first short French
c. Our fes first French short d. Few our first French short
7. He (b) goes to school by bus, and he sometimes goes by subway
a. never b. sometimes c. usually d. sometime
8. -Do you need more water in the pan?
  -No, it has (c)
a. already enough full b. full already enough c. already had enough d. had already enough
Units 9~10
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1. Henan had a larger population (b) in China
a. than any province b. than all the other provinces
c. than other province d. than all the provinces
2. Renting a room outside costs (c) living in a dormitory for a month
a. twice much as b. as much as twice c. twice as much as d. twice more
3. The faster anything is thrown into the sky,(d)
 a. the higher goes it b. the highest it goes c. it goes the higher d. the higher it goes
4. Domestic-made TV sets are not (b) imported ones at all
 a. more inferior than b. inferior to
 c. inferior than d.less inferior than
5. I take a long time to go there by train; it's (d) by road
 a. quickly b. more quickly c. more quicker d. quicker
6. The price of vegetables is (b) than before
 a. much cheaper b. even higher
 c. still dearer d. a lot more expensive
7. Which is (d) country, Canada ro Australia?
a. a large b. larger c. the largest d. the larger
8. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard (d)
a. the better voice b. a good voice c. the best voice d. a better voice
12345678B CDBDBDD
Units 11~12
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1.Light (c) faster than sound
 a. is traveling b. has traveled c. travels d. will travel
2. It (b) when I left the school
 a. is snowing b. was snowing c. snows d. will snow
3. In some parts of the world, tea (b) with milk and sugar
a. is serving b. is served c. serves d. served
4. His "Selected Stroies " (b) first published in 1990
a. were b. was c. has been d. have been
5. Three-fourths of the surface of the earth (a) sea
a. is b. are c. were d. has been
6. I am reading, not (c)
a. am writing b. write c. writing d. was writing
7. She said she didn't take the dictionary, but I am sure she (d)
a. is b. was c. does d. did
8.Listen! Who (c) the front door?
a. is knocking b. knocks on c. is knocking at d. knocked
Units 13~14
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1. The guide told us that the incident (d) here in 1925
 a. has taken place b. was taking place
 c. have taken place d. had taken place
2. It (c) for two days. The fields (c) all under water
a. has rained, were b. is raining, was
b. c. had been raining, were d. has been raining, were
3. The man who (a) into the house was taken to prison
a. had broken b. has broken c. breaks d. was breaking
4. Dr.Smith (a) there since 1980
a. has been teaching b. had been teaching
c. is teaching d. was teaching
5. Please wake him up. He (d) for 4 hours
a. is sleeping b. was sleeping
c. had been sleeping d. has been sleeping
6. He (c) in Shanghai for five years before he came to Beijing
a. was working b. has worked c. had worked d. works
7. The woman with the red umbrella (b) to see you since 8 o'clock this moring. Can you see her now?
a. had been waiting b. has been waiting c. is waiting d. waits
8. ( c) you ( c) to Tibet before?
a. Do , you b. Did, go c. Have, been d. Have ,gone
Units 15~16
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1. I ( c) to Xian this time tomorrow
a. was flying b. will fly c. will be flying d. would fly
2. By this time tomorrow they (d) the machine
a. would repair b. will repair c. will be repairing d. will have repaired
3. New machinery (b) arriving tomorrow
a. would be b. is c. are d. shall be
4. If they (a), they (a) here very soon. The last bus usually (a) by at twenty to ten
a. are coming, will be, goes b. come, will go, will go
c. will come ,are, goes d. come, will be, will go
5. We (d) eighteen lessons by the end of this term
a. have studied b. had studied c. will be studying d. will have studied
6. Do you know when (b) us a talk?
a. will he give b. hell give c. he gives d. he is giving
7. By the time you arrive in London, we (c ) in Europe for two weeks
a. shall stay b. have stayed
c. will have stayed d. have been staying
8.The president (b) the delegation at the airport but he was taken ill last night,so the vicepresidemt is going instead
a. is to meet b. was to meet c. is going to meet d. was to have met
Units 17~18
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1.It's no good (b) over spilt milk
a. to cry b. crying c. cried d. cry
2. The story was so funny that we (c)
a. couldn't help laugh b. can't help but laugh
c. couldn't help laughing d. couldn't help but to laugh
3. We enjoy (b) very much
a. swam b. swimming c. to swim d. swim
4. They stopped (c ) to the recorder and began to write their homework
a. listen b. to listen c. listening d. listened
5. I hope you don't mind (b) at your newspaper
a. I look b. my looking c. I'm looking d. me to look
6. Have you forgotten (a) 1000 from me last month? Will you please remember (a) tomorrow?
a. borrowing, to bring b. to borrow , bring
c. borrowed, bringing d. borrowing, bringing
7. We are looking forward to (b) our friends next week
a. see b. seeing c. be seeing d. having seen
8.How pleased the Emperor was (d) what the cheats said
a. hearing b. heard c. hear d. to hear

Units 19~20
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1.Jack saw a woman (d) near the dog, so he walked up to her
a. stood b. stands c. to stand d. standing
2. I'm really sorry (b) you (b) for such a long time
a. to keep, to wait b. to keep, waiting
c. keeping, waiting d. keeping, to wait
3. A (b) pot never boils
a. watch b. watched c. watching d. to watch
4. (d) all the tests, she felt a great sense of achievement
a. To have passed b. Have passed c. To pass d. Having passed
5.The manager promised to keep me (c ) of how our business was going on
a. to be informed b. be informing c. informed d. informing
6.I became (a) after watching too much television
a. bored b. boring c. bore d. born
7. (a) carefully,this letter is very beautiful
a. Type b. Typing c. Typed d. To type
8.Tom looked at Jenny,tears (a) his eyes,and shouted out the words (a) in his heart for years
a. filling, having hidden b. filled, hidden
c. filling, hidden d. filled, hiding
Units 21~22
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1.I missed a golden opportunity. I (b) that job when it was offered
a. must take b. should have taken c. might have taken d. should take
2. A lot of things (b) by people to save the little girl now
a. are doing b. are being done c. has been done d. will be done
3.Must we clean the house now?No,you (a)
a. needn't b.may not c.mustn't d. can't
4. So far,the moon (c ) by man already.
a. is being visited b. will be visited
c. has been visited d. was visited
5. A talk on the Chinese history (c ) in the school hall next week
a. was given b. has been given c. will be given d. will have been given
6. The Great Wall(c ) all over the world
a. have been known b. had been know c. is known d. was known
7. One teacher (a) carefully
a. should be listened to b. should be listen c. may be listened to d. may be listened
8.By the way, when did you get your bedroom (b)
a. to paint b. painted c. painting d. to be painted
Units 23~24
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1.(d) the day went on ,the weather got worse
a. With b. Since c. While d. As
2. I will put book (a) you placed it
a. where b. at which c, which d. at where
3. I won't give you any help (d) you tell me the truth, It's none of my business
a. so b. since c. if d. even if
4.We keep milk in a refrigerator (b) it will not spoil
a. in order b. in cast c. so that d. when
5. No matter (b) hard it may be, I must try
a. what b. how c. any way d. some way
6. John may phone tonighe. I don't want to go out (c ) he phones
a. as long as b. in order c. in case d. so that
7. He acts (a) he is the owner
a. as if b. the way c. so d . because
8.Although Peter is clever, (a) work hard
a. he doesn't b. he isn't c. but he doesn't d. but he isn't
Units 25~26
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1.I like our teacher, (a) is very kind
a. who b. which c. whom d.that
2. This is one of the best books (a)
a. that have ever been written b. that has written
c. that has ever been written d. that have written
3.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,(b) was very reasonable
a. which price b. the price of which c. its price d. the price of whose
4. She is a teacher of much knowledge, (d) much can be learned
a. who b. that c. from which d. from whom
5. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others,(d) made the others jealous
a. who b. that c. what d. which
6. Is this factory (d) you visited last year?
a. that b. where c. in which d. the one
7. (d) the speaker said pleased us all
a. Which b. That c. Why d. What
8.The biggest question is (c ) he is able to come
a. which b. what c. whether d. that
Units 27~28
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1.Do you know (c )?
a. when will they come b. when would they come
c. when they will come d. when did they come
2. Father asked Bob (b)
a. which one did he like best b. which one he liked best
c. which one he likes best d. which one does he like best
3. She asked (b)
a. whether had I already got well b. whether I had already got well
c. that I have already got well d. that had I already got well
4. He (d) me (d) that again
a. said to me, not to do b. said to ne ,don't do
c. told me,don't do d. told me, not to do
5.If you hadn't gone with Tom to the party last night, (d)
a. you would meet John already b. you won't have missed John
c. you will have met John d. you would have met John
6. The teacher suggested that each student (b) a plan for the vacation
7. It's high time you (c )
a. start to work b. would start to work
c. started to work d. had started to work
8.I wish I (d) to the movies with you last night
a. went b. go c. could go d. had gone
Units 29~30
Section One: Choose the best answer from A,B,C or Dto fill in each blank.(4 points,0.5 point each)
1.Neither Tom nor his parents (b) at home
a. is b. are c. has been d. was
2. All that can be done (a)
a. has been done b. has done c. have done d. were done
3. There (d) in this room
a. are to much furniture b. are too many furnitures
d. are too much furnitures d. is too much furniture
4.Many a student (b) the important of learning a foreign language
a. have realized b. has realized
c. have been realized d. has been realized
5. The number of students of our school (b)
a .are increasing b. is increasing
c. have increased d. have been increased
6. Tom is the only one of the staff members who (a) to be promoted
a. is going b. are going c. was d. were
7. Two plus three (c ) five
a. were b.was c. makes d. will make
8.The singer and dancer (d) come to our college
a. were b. was c. have d. has



