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【答案】Lesson 14 Snow! It’s Winter!

Lesson 14 Snow! It’s Winter!
A.知识目标:阅读短文,理解大意,使学生明白:Why? Because_____.的含义并能熟练地运用。掌握“What are you going to do?的句型及其答语,复习put on, take off 的用法。
B.能力目标:通过对知识目标的完成,正确运用所学句型对日常生活进行描述,尤其是对put on, take off的灵活运用。
二、教学重点:“Why? Because______.”的用法。
四、教具、学具: 录音机,衣服卡片及衣服实物
Step 1. Class Opening and Review
T: Hello,boys and girls.How are you?
Ss: Fine, thank you.
T: How’s the weather today?
Ss: It’s____.(sunnycloudywindy……)
T: What are you wearing?
Ss: I’m wearing ____.(sweaterpantsshirtshoesscarf……)
Step 2.New concepts:
教师出示一些衣服,边演示边说,It’s cold outside. I am going to put on my coat . Why? Because I’m cold . It’s cold outside.并重复此句型,板书,指明说,学生掌握后,教师边穿衣服边说: Now I am putting on my coat.
T: What are you going to put on?(让自告奋勇的学生回答)
T: Why?
S: Because______.
(学生一边穿衣服一边用I amI’m putting on ____.句型说话。)
T: I’m going to take off my coat. Why? Because I’m hot.边脱大衣边说:I’m taking off my coat now.
T: Are you hot, Sa?
Sa: Yes, I am very hot.
T: What are you going to do?
S:I’m going to take off my ___.
T: Why?
S: Because I feel hot.
Sa边脱衣服边说,I’m taking off my ____.Because I’m hot.
Step 3:Practice:
T: It’s snowy outside. What are you going to put on ?
Step 4:Checking
Step 5:Text
Danny likes snow. He wants to play in the snow. What is he going to put on? Is he cold or hot? Open your books . listen to the tape and answer my questions.
What is Danny going to do? Why?
What is he going to put on? Why?
Does he play in the snow outside? Why?
What is he going to take off?
Does he play in the snow at last? Why?
Step 6.Class closing.
What are you going to do after class? What are you going to wear? Please write some words on your paper.
Lesson 19: Danny’s Winter Clothes
What are you going to do? I’m going to put on ake off my ____..
What are you doing? I’m putting on aking off my____.
Why? Because__.


上一篇:Lesson 15: Winter Fun

下一篇:lesson 13:season
