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关键字: 威胁 防范 国外 科技优势 考核 电大 汉语专题 赤脚医生 | 时间:2024-09-19 09:47

发布时间:2024-09-19 09:47

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单项选择:1-5 ADBAA 6-10 DBADB
1. We were quite satisfied with the service of your tour guide.
2. Could you please hold the line?
3. Your commission is of 10% of the quoted gross rate.
4. I'd like to book one single room and two double rooms. Is there any deposit required?
5. Mr. Anges from Asia Pacific Travel Agency is calling to book flight tickets for a tour group.
6. 中国有伟大的历史、美丽的景色、灿烂的文化和迷人的民族风情,美不胜收,让游客全程享受,大饱眼福。
7. 北京是中国的旅游中心。这些是明朝和清朝的皇宫,美丽的花园和祭坛。
8. 中国的边界线长22,800公里,东面接壤朝鲜,北面同蒙古相邻,东北有俄罗斯,西北相邻的国家是哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯坦、塔吉克斯坦,西部和西南部有阿富汗、巴基斯坦、印度、尼泊尔和不丹,南面有缅甸、老挝、越南。东面和东南面同中国隔海相望的国家为朝鲜共和国、日本、菲律宾、文莱、马来西亚和印度尼西亚。
9. 其中上海是中国最大的城市,有一千三百四拾五万人口,工业、商业和海上运输非常发达。
10. 中国的总面积达960平方公里,临近俄罗斯和加拿大。其南北长5,500公里,从(黑龙江省)漠河镇北面的黑龙江主航道中心线到南沙群岛中最南端的曾母暗沙。
1. Four seas. They are the Bohai, the Huanghai (Yellow Sea), and the East China and South China seas in the east and south
2. ..What is the second largest island? More than 5000 islands. Hainan Island. Hainan Island is the second largest island
3. It's 18,000 kilometers long.
4. .It is to be built into an export-oriented,multi-functional, modernized district that matches the standards of the world's first rate facilities.
5. .Shanghai will be an international economic, financial and trade center, a truly internationalized modern city.

单项选择 1-5 DCCAB 6-10 DBCCA
1. Is there anything in particular you can recommend?
2. 相比于午门的威仪,太和门可能略显不足。但是从其他标准(除了威仪性)而言,太和门就显得幽雅大方,让人印象深刻。
3. Both of the hotels we stayed in were very nice and accommodating
4. Can you please hold the line while I check with the reservation department of the hotel?
5. Both of the hotels we stayed in were very nice and accommodating
6. The hotel charged her $ 40 for the accommodation.
7. 这个集自然与人造之美的地方的中文名字叫颐和园。
8. 园里最突出的建筑是乐寿堂、17拱桥和728米(几乎有半英里)长的木画廊。
9. 之所以称紫禁城,是因为该城五千年来一直禁止普通百姓入内。现在又称故宫博物馆,或故宫。
10. 原本用以北洋舰队的资金被抽调用来把颐和园打造成为一个日益奢华的私人园林。
1. It has more than 72 hectares of grandeur,with palaces, courtyards and gardens, all walled in as rectangular island within a moat wide enough for naval engagements. 2.Because it was off-limits to ordinary people for nearly 500 years. 3. It was designed in the 15th century. 4. Tourists normally enter the Forbidden City from the south, after a long walk along a cobbled roadway from Tian An Men. 5. The Gate of Supreme Harmony.

单项选择 1-5 AABCA 6-10 BBBAC
1. The different prices of goods in this supermarket range from 10 to 20 dollars.
2. 八达岭上修整过的那段城墙在异常陡峭的山上蜿蜒起伏,很可以考验一个游客的耐心。
3. Your commission is of 10% of the quoted gross rate.
4. We require a refundable deposit to guarantee the airfare.
5. In TWA Transworld Airlines we have special group airfares.
6. We will provide you with 1 freebie or complimentary airline ticket for each 15 paying passengers
7. 长城的第一部分建于2000年前,但最大的扩建工程开始于14世纪的明朝,这段长城也最牢固。
8. 一直向西走,最后就会来到戈壁沙漠的边沿。
9. 因为拯救不了祖国,理想也遭到破坏,屈原就轻生投进了汨罗江。
10. 第158号洞窟有一尊卧佛,远处从左边看去,佛像的脸特别神圣祥和。
1. No, because the two countries are Schengen members.2. No, it doesn't. 3. Susan, an American lady, first traveled to Italy then to Switzerland in 2007;Twice. 4. Cyprus joined the EU in 2004 and Bulgaria and Romania in 2007. But they do not yet fully participate in Schengen.5. It is best to have your passport or ID card when travelling in the EU because you may be required to prove your identity.

单项选择 1-5 BDCDA 6-10 ACCAB
1. December 25th is the Christmas Day. It falls on to the westerners with the same meaning as the Spring Festival to us Chinese.
2. 中国的少数民族人口不到全国总人口数的十分之一,但其却分布广泛,占据了全国总领土的一半以上。
3. Since the reform and opening up, great changes have taken place in both the rural and urban areas in our country.
4. The government will invest a lot of money in building schools for these children in the out-of-the-way areas.
5. The talk / negotiation between the leaders of the two countries is concerned with the problem of eliminating the nuclear weapons / power.
6. Tibet is an area with a sparse population in our country while Sichuan is a province with a dense population.
7. 中国的少数民族一般都信教,但伊斯兰教,佛教和基督教对他们有着很深的影响。
8. 中国古代的四大发明:指南在针、火药、纸和活字印刷术在科技方面为世界文明作出了杰出的贡献。
9. 每年有成千上万的游客喜欢黄石国家公园、落基山脉以及其它自然名胜的美景。
10. 之所以叫壁画山,是因为这个峭壁面有着许多块可能是壁画的色彩。
1. Australia.2. Movieworld is an Australian movie related theme park, and we will experience a fun-filled, Gold Coast theme park family adventure with all the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. What's more, we can also meet our favourite stars and enjoy all the behind-the-scenes action, comedy stunts, exhilarating rides and shows.3.We can learn about marine environment at the Sea World. It plays an active role in Australian marine research and rescue.4. We will have dinner on a showboat cruise. 5. It includes an Indian Banquet On Board Cruise and Cabaret Show.



