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关键字: 威胁 防范 国外 科技优势 考核 电大 汉语专题 赤脚医生 | 时间:2024-09-20 15:18

发布时间:2024-09-20 15:18

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Part 1 Read aloud the part between the stars and then answer the questions the examiner asks you.
Liu Ying is a Chinese girl. She received a scholarship, which allows her to study English in Britain for two years. Her parents send her a monthly allowance for her extra living expenses. She finds the life and the culture very interesting. She also finds the living standard in Britain very high and everything is expensive,
At the moment she is living in students housing at University of Manchester. Emma does not feeling homesick at all. She has many English friends and classmates. They often ask her to go out with them or invite her to their homes. Sometimes they go travelling together during the holidays. She finds her friends very warm and considerate. They occasionally treat her when they are out together, but a lot of times they enjoy "going Dutch"
Questions (Note: Questions will not appear on your test paper.)
1. Where is Liu Ying now and what does she do there ?
She is living in students housing at University of Manchester.
2. What does Emma think of living standard in Britain ?
She thinks it very high and everything is very expensive.
3. Does Emma fee homesick? Why or why not ?
No, she has many English friends and classmates. They often ask her to go out with them or invite her to their homes
4. What does "going Dutch" mean ?
Pay by oneself.

Part 2 Speak on the following topic for about 2 minutes.
Comment on women's role in China today. In your opinion are men and women equal in China? Give examples to illustrate your points.

Well the progress of women has always been a push pull battle. Women want to be treated equally as men, but most still want to keep the traditional gender roles. A man is expected to be a gentleman, opening doors, paying for dinner, etc. Women want to be equals in the workplace, but it is a different situation in the social environment. As for the lack of women in the work place, I don't think it bothers society to be led by a female. Just most female politicians are either characterized in two ways. Super feminist, leave the kids at home with daddy, working mother. They are seen as push and judgmental, which reminds a lot of men who vote of their wives. If they are not characterized as that, they are just seen as know nothing idiots, who get political power by their looks. But really it all comes back to the new progressive feminism fighting against the traditional gender roles and associations. I mean if a man punches another man in the face at a bar, it's just seen as a petty bar fight. If a man punches a woman in the face at the bar, people are ready to put him in jail for 20 to life. Girls are still coddled from a young age while boys are let to run free and "be boys". Men and Women cannot ever truly be equals until gender roles are no more. This doesn't mean that men are better than women. It's like a see saw, always switching back and forth as far as dominance. As far as the gender roles, I don't mind them. They make our society a real place. It makes us actual humans with differences instead of unisex robots.
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with your examiner. Your conversation should last about 4 minutes.
A is at the post office. A wants to post an urgent letter to Macao.
You are A. You start the conversation with B, the post office clerk. The following is the procedure you should follow.
* Exchange greetings with the clerk and inquires about sending an important letter to Macao;
* Express disappointment when told that it will take 3 days for the letter to arrive in Macao;
* Say you are not certain how to send the letter express;
* Express satisfaction with the service the postal clerk gives.

ANS: C= clerk
C: Good morning, what can I do for you, Sir?
A: Good morning, Sir. I'd like to send an important letter to Macao. When can the letter arrive ?
C: It takes you 3 days to get there.
A: Are you kidding? Oh, no, it is too slow.
C: But it will surely arrive.
A: All right, as long as it can arrive. By the way, I have no idea how to send the letter, could you help me ?
C: Sure. First of all , you must put your letter in the envelop, then seal with the glue water, at last, you must attach the stamps here.
A: Well, I really appreciate your service. Thank you.
C: You are welcome.

Prepare a story/ a text or make a speech on a topic of your choice / make a presentation with your partner for about 3 minutes to demonstrate your speech ability. Use the language you've learned from the course as much as possible. You can retell story in the coursebook Challenge to Speak1 or you can choose your own way of presentation. Do your presentation in class or record it as required by your tutor. Your performance will be assessed by your tutor.

Opportunity and Success
Opportunities don't come often. They come every once in a while. Very often, they come quietly and go by without being noticed. Therefore ,it is advisable that you should value and treat them with care. When an opportunity comes, it brings a promise but never realizes it on its own. If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitious, you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to visit you. The difference between a man who succeeds and one who does not lies only in the way each treats opportunities. The successful person always makes adequate preparations to meet opportunities as they duly arrive. The unsuccessful person, on the other hand, works little and just waits to see them pass by. In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who are prepared adequately and qualified highly can make use of them to achieve their purpose.

Choose one of the topics from the following list and give your opinions orally in class. Your tald should last for about 3 minutes. Your performance will be assessed by both your fellow students in groups and your tutor.

1、 How have your spending habits changed the last ten years?
Chinese people tend to make an amount of money that is appropriate for
Chineseliving standards and costs. Traditionally, Chinese like to save money for future useand for the old and the young.. Therefore this same amount of money would notallow them to live in another country. Chinese spending habits has changed a lot.In the past ten years. One is habit of "going Dutch" which means "share the bill"or "share the cost of the meal". In china, people were not used to it in the past.
  Men used to be generous to pay the dills. But now, with the development of the Women's liberation, more and more women would like to "go Dutch" to be equalto men.
2. What are the important manners that we should observe in public?
In public we should observe all public regulations, such as traffic regulations, we
should stand in line. We should not litter parks or public areas. There should be no
spitting. If you need to spit, use a tissue or your handkerchief. In crowded areas,
do not push or shove. Do not speak in a loud voice.
3. What's something unusual or special about your family?
You can talk about the style of your family: nuclear family/extended family/blended family/single-parent family. If you are the only child in your family, you can talk
about the "Four-Two-One syndrome".
4. What differences do you know between family life in China and that in the Western countries?
Family life in china:
Today young people prefer to live independently, although family relations with their parents are still very close. On Sundays, at weekends and during the holidays, the young couple will come over and stay for the whole day and leave in the evening. Or they may travel back to their hometown during the weekend. During the spring Festival, family reunion is very important. Sometimes retired grandparents will take up the responsibility of looking after the grandchild when the young couple are busy working. They may also give some financial help to the struggling young couple.
On the other hand, it is the duty of the younger generation to give financial help and care to the old during illness, etc. The relationship is usually warm and close. Young people are considered immoral if they do mot show respect to their parents and give them care. Old people are mot sent to old people's homes unless they are childless.
However society is changing. The one-child policy will bring on new problems .Working people being the only child will not have the time to care for the old.They will not have to resort to new ways to solve the problem.
Family life in the western countries:
In American families, teenagers usually leave home around the age of18, when they are legally considered adults, or when they finish high school. Many leave home to pursue a college education or to pursue a job. Many of these young adults face hardships, especially
Financial, so they often continue to depend on their families for some financial and material assistance. Even though many live away from home, they continue to depend on their parents and siblings fro emotional support and feelings of security. These ties are continued through visits, phone calls, and letters. The family ties remain important throughout life. The parents are often sad to see their children leave home, but they feel they must encourage and teach them to be independent and self-reliant, much as a mother bird must push her young birds out of their nest to teach them to fly. When children leave home, the parents feel very lonely; this has been given the name "empty-nest syndrome" in reference to the similar situation with birds.
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of young adults who return to live with their parents after many years of living on their own. This is often due to financial hardships, loss of job, etc. These people have sometimes been called "boomerangers", because like the Australian boomerang when thrown into the air, these people come back to the place from which they began.
5. What are the benefits of an only-child family and a multiple-child family? Do you think being an "only child" is good or bad?
Benefits of being an only child: the family may have more monetary resources for that child's future.
Benefits of multiple-child families: mutual support now and in the future; playmates for children.
When parents age, both children can help support their parents. When the parents are no longer around, the children can give each other the support and encouragement the parents once gave.
6. Do you believe that women are able to accomplish most of the things that men are able to do? Why or why not?
In the West Women won their independence mot so long ago. After a long bitter struggle, they now enjoy the same educational opportunities as men in most parts of the world. They have proved repeatedly that they are equal and often superior to men in almost every field. Though this hard-fought battle for recognition has been won, women continue to be regarded as second as second-rate citizens even in the most progressive societies.
Since the 1950s,there has undoubtedly been a greater sharing of household tasks and decision making between the husband and wife in the U.K. Also many more women than men have entered the labor force in recent years. Between1971and 1990 the number of women in the labor force rose by 3million while the number of men rose by only 300 thousand. In1990 there were 15 million economically active women.65% of married women were in paid emplovment.
Actually women have succeeded in any job you care to name. As politicians soldiers, doctors, factory hands, university professors, company directors, lawyers, scientists and presidents and presidents of countries, they have succeeded brilliantly in addition to bearing and rearing children.
7. What are the benefits of emails?
Fast service at a low cost; no looking for stamps or envelops or paper when you write a letter, no standing in line at the post office.
8. What's your hobby/hobbies?
Children can collect things, go hiking, raise pets or plants, make models, etc. Adults can work on computers or cars, take up photography, build things, etc.(see page 122, in the textbook challenge to Speak 1)
9. What's your plan for this evening/this weekend/your next holiday? (You can talk about what you plan to do and what you don't plan to do.)



