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关键字: 赤脚医生 优秀典型 理性情绪 情绪疗法 三个阶段 标杆管理 少数民族 省份 | 时间:2024-09-16 10:04

发布时间:2024-09-16 10:04

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The Picnic

It was Sunday and the weather was fine, so Mrs Smith said, "Let's go for a picnic." "Oh, yes!" said Mary and John, her two children. Mr Smith said, "Yes, let's go to the woods and have our picnic there." "Good," said Mrs Smith. "Help me to get the things ready." "All right," said the children. John brought the basket for the food and the bottles for the water; and Mary brought a blanket, while Mother made the sandwiches, and Father put water and oil into the car.

Soon everything was ready and they left the house. They drove along small roads until they came to the woods. Mary put the blanket on the ground, John took the food out of the car, Father made a fire, and Mother made tea.

"Isn't it beautiful here?" said Mother. "It's very quiet and green. John had a kite, and soon he was running across the grass with it. "Be careful!" shouted Mother, but it was too late! John fell over the basket of food, and everything fell out. "Look!" cried Mary, "There are ants in the food!" Yes, there were! There were hundreds of them. The blanket was on an ants' nest!


1. go for a picnic: 去野餐。类似的说法有:go for a walk:去散步。

2. the woods:小树林。wood:木,树木。

3. while Mother…sandwiches: 而母亲做三明治(夹心面包)。while:连词,此处作"而"解。Mother 大写(以及下文中的Father),相当于their mother (their father)。

4. They drove along small roads:他们的车沿着小路开。along:介词,靠,沿着。

5. Father made a fire:父亲生火。made:make的过去式。

6. Mother made tea:母亲沏茶。

7. he was… with it: 他带着风筝在草地上跑开了。

8. John fell…food: 约翰摔倒在食品蓝上。

9. hundreds of :数百个。注意表达两百,三百等,hundred决不能用复数形式,而说:two hundred, three hundred等等。

10.ants' nest:蚂蚁窝。



